Book Review: The Presence of Absence by Desiree Richter Tue Nov 05 2024
Read my review of "The Presence of Absence" on Mom Egg Review.
The Presence of Absence: Kitchen table talks about parenting, leaving fundamentalism, and the very messy business of living with loss
by Desiree Richter view at
Book Review of GIRLISH by K.J. Harrowick Tue Mar 27 2018
I may have never looked twice at her book as memoir is not really my thing, but I adore Lara. The more I kept seeing blurbs of her book everywhere, the more I wanted to read it. view at blog #Girlish#Review
Book Review of Sink or Swim: Tales from the Deep End of Everywhere by Brenda Kelley Kim Fri Dec 16 2016
That common experience of motherhood makes this book engaging, as each story reminds me of one of my own, making reading the book feel like a conversation between new friends. view at momeggreview #BookReview#Humor#Parenting
Publishing a Book is Like Riding a Bicycle, and the Crashes are Inevitable Tue Mar 13 2018
I’ve had several writers tell me some version of, “I could never deal with people rejecting my book, so I’m going to self-publish.” I’m here to tell you that is the wrong decision. view at manhattanbookreview #WritingTips#ManhattanBookReview
How to Write Useful Book Reviews Wed May 16 2018
It turns out, ignoring a book is one of the worst things you can do for it—so what do you do if you don’t love a book but don’t want to punish the writer with your silence? view at thedebutanteball #DebutanteBall#WritingLife#BookReviews
Book Review of FLOPPY by Alyssa Graybeal Sat Oct 14 2023
Don’t just read Floppy for the story—read it for the writing. Winner of the 2020 Red Hen Nonfiction Award, Graybeal’s book can be funny and poignant, her voice clear and unusual. view at riverteethjournal #RiverTeeth#BookReview#FLoppy
Book Review: The Daily Hazards of a Middle Eastern Wife by Soad Nasr Sun Nov 15 2015
Beyond being courageous, Soad Nasr’s voice is fresh and crisp. This results in a friendly tone that is easy to access for people of all backgrounds. view at huffingtonpost #BookReview#HuffPost
Book Review: QueerSpawn in Love by Kellen Anne Kaiser Sun Jul 02 2017
Even though we are both queerspawn, Kaiser’s family makes my parents look like amateurs. view at huffingtonpost #Queerspawn#BookReview
Book Review: Have You Seen CindySleigh? & Other Stories by Diane Stiglich Wed Aug 30 2017
This book is a dream-like art-come-to-life world, where there are truths that are as immutable in this reality as in the one on the page, and stumbling across these truths is as if we find something solid to hold onto—grasping a rock after clawing at clouds. view at momeggreview #BookReview#MagicalRealism#MomEggReview#CindySleigh
Book Review: Object Lesson: A Guide to Writing Poetry by Jennifer Jean Sat Jul 10 2021
This book helped me to break down poetry and really understand how it worked, and then apply it to my own writing. view at momeggreview #ObjectLesson#MomEggReview#BookReview#CraftBook
Book Review: XO by Sara Rauch Tue Jun 21 2022
The story of a bisexual woman’s search for love is not a common one, particularly those of us who are “straight-passing,” that is, in a long term relationship with a male partner. view at merliterary #XO#MomEggReview
Book Review: Kneel Said the Night by Margo Berdeshevsky Mon Dec 19 2022
Here, the females are not helpless, not in need of a woodsman’s rescue or a cautionary moral, rather they exalt in their naked skin and power view at merliterary #momeggreview#KneelSaidTheKnight
How I Turned My Blog Into a Book Sat Apr 27 2019
I realized that I actually could make my blog into a how-to (or how-not-to) reference book/memoir complete with mediocre recipes. I mean, there are tons of books with good recipes, but not that many books that explain how to fake your way through life with a microwave. view at booksbywomen #BooksByWomen#MamaMamaOnlyMama
Book Review: Love is Make-Believe by Riham Adly Sat Jul 30 2022
I personally love story collections in the summer—the small bits fit nicely into a busy schedule and the time away from the book allows the words to linger, as I roll them over in my mind. I had heard about Riham Adly’s flash fiction collection, Love is Make-Believe, and jumped at the chance to review it. view at merliterary #MomEEggReview#LoveIsMakeBelieve#ShortStories#Riham-Adly
Book Review: Mama, Mama, Only Mama: A Single Mom on Parenting, Divorce, Dating, and Cooking, with Heavy Doses of Humor and Advice Wed Jun 05 2019
It’s funny, real, and while it applies most to single moms and dating it has so much for any mom to relate to. view at smroffey #MamaMamaOnlyMama#Review#SMRoffey
Book Review: Grieving: Dispatches from a Wounded Country by Cristina Rivera Garza Mon Aug 17 2020
This book is an act of resistance against the institutional violence of Mexico and the US, and shines a light on the policies that make poor Mexican bodies, especially female bodies, disposable. view at momeggreview #MomEggReview#Garza#FeministPress#Latinx#Grieving
Book Review: the Witch of Eye: Essays by Kathryn Nuernberger Fri Apr 02 2021
The stories of witches truly are the stories of renegade women, and, it turns out, the history of systematic and sanctioned abuse of marginalized people by those in power. view at momeggreview #MomeggReview#essays#WitchOfEye
Book Review: The Exit is the Entrance: Essays on Escape by Linda Paar Thu Jan 02 2025
The Exit is the Entrance is a collection of essays on leaving—going to as well as away from—college, the military, relationships, wrong decisions. It is a series of ruminative journeys written in first, second, and third person long-form essays, in which Paar explores creativity, erasure, our connection to the earth and each other in lyrical prose. Read my full review at River Teeth:
Standing on the Threshold Between: An Exploration of Liminal Spaces and Transitions. view at riverteethjournal #BookReview#Riverteeth#Paar
Interview with Book Publicist Andrea Kiliany Thatcher Tue Jun 26 2018
For Industry Insiders week, I wanted to introduce you to Andrea Kiliany Thatcher of Smith Publicity, whom I worked with in the months leading up to the release of my memoir, Girlish: Growing Up in a Lesbian Home. view at thedebutanteball #DebutanteBall#interview#Publicist
Book Review of The Missing Girl by Jacqueline Doyle Fri Dec 15 2017
The Missing Girl is comprised of eight separate stories, each only a few pages long. Told from the point of view of perpetrators, victims, and friends of victims, each chapter is a stand-alone story about a girl who was preyed upon by someone known, or unknown. A haunting collection, its prose is clear and direct, with exquisite tension. view at momeggreview #MomEggReview#BookReview#Doyle#TheMissingGirl
Book Review: The Distance From Four Points by Margo Orlando Littell Tue Jul 07 2020
I think as mothers, we all have skeletons in our closets we’d prefer not to come to light, so watching the protagonist come to terms with her past helped me to reframe my own thinking about self-forgiveness. view at momeggreview #MomeEggReview#DistanceFromFourPoints#Littell#Fiction
Book Review: The Nail in the Tree: Essays on Art, Violence, and Childhood by Carol Ann Davis Sat Feb 29 2020
Haunting and poignant, The Nail in the Tree speaks to the fear and grief of mothers in this time of violence against children.
"And the children, understanding better than we, are said to have whispered along a long line one to the other by way of explanation wild animal wild animal wild animal." (pg 4) view at momeggreview #MomEggReview#BookReview#NailInTheTree#Davis#TupeloPress#SandyHook
Book Review: Daddy by Michael Montlack Thu May 13 2021
"Daddy" by Michael Montlack is an exploration of relationships and self. By turns heartbreaking and humorous, Montlack’s writing is accessible without being superficial. view at momeggreview #MomEEggReview#BookReview#poetry#Gay#Daddy#Montlack
Turn Your Short Pieces Into a Finished Nonfiction Book, posted on Fri Jan 31 2025
Have you amassed a heap of assorted essays, flash pieces, chapters, ideas, and you think you have enough to turn it into a book? Does it seem scattered and overwhelming and you’re not sure what will fit where and it is all rather daunting?
Never fear—here is a step-by-step guide to turn your hot mess into a hot dish. view at janefriedman #JaneFriedman#AssemblingTheCollage#Fragments#Craft
Mama, Mama, Only Mama! Lara Lillibridge Discusses Book 2 Tue Jul 31 2018
Being a single mother means finding out you are stronger than you ever knew was possible. view at thedebutanteball #DebutanteBall#Book2#OnlyMama
It's My Release Day! Tue Apr 03 2018
That’s why I wrote the book. Not for my parents, not for good reviews or sales, but for another daughter with a lesbian mother who’s never seen anything close to her family on the page before. view at thedebutanteball #DebutanteBall#WritingLife#ReleaseDay
INTERVIEW: Ron Hogan, Author of Our Endless and Proper Work Mon Aug 02 2021
I sat down with Ron Hogan over Zoom to discuss his new book on the writing life, "Our Endless and Proper Work," a truly different book on craft and creativity. view at hippocampusmagazine #RonHogan#HippocampusMagazine#Interview
A Review of Alejandro Zambra’s Multiple Choice (translated by Megan McDowell) Sun Oct 23 2016
Multiple Choice is a small, weird book that is best read in one sitting, so the sections can build properly on each other (which of course I didn’t actually do, because it was summer and life interfered and I am never as assiduous as I mean to be). view at weirderary #bookReview
It Is Now Safe to Exit the Ride Tue Aug 28 2018
A roller coaster may be a tired metaphor for a book release, but I’m standing by it. It’s my last post on the Ball, and tired is an adequate description of my present state as well. view at thedebutanteball #DebutanteBall#Girlish#FinalThoughts#RollerCoaster