Search: "Book"

Pride Month Book Club: Graphic Memoir and Graphic Novels Sat Jun 15 2019
Welcome to Pride Month Book Club the Graphic Memoir/Novel Edition! Here are three graphic memoirs for adult readers, and three books appropriate for all the readers in the household. read this article
#prideMonth #BookClub #GraphicNovels #GrpahicMemoir
Interview with Jon Etter, Author of Another Dreadful Fairy Book Tue Dec 31 2019
Jon Etter's wonderful 2nd book, Another Dreadful Fairy Book, hits the shelves January 7, 2020. I sat down (via the internets) and chatted with Jon about the new book and the writing life. read this article
#DreadfulFairyBooks #Etter #ChicagoReviewofBooks #MiddleGrade #Fanatasy
Pride Month Book Club: Picture Books Sat Jun 29 2019
Here are 5 great picture books to celebrate Pride Month. There are a lot of great picture books, but if I'm going to post this in a timely manner I have to draw the line somewhere. Here are 5 favorites. read this article
#PrideMonth #BookClub #PictureBooks
Book Review: RED: A CRAYON'S STORY by Michael Hall Wed Nov 15 2017
I am completely nuts about RED by Michael Hall, a 40-page picture book about a blue crayon who is mistakenly given a red label at the factory. read this article
#BookReview #Red #MichaelHall #LGBTQA
Book Review: The Presence of Absence by Desiree Richter Tue Nov 05 2024
Read my review of "The Presence of Absence" on Mom Egg Review. The Presence of Absence: Kitchen table talks about parenting, leaving fundamentalism, and the very messy business of living with loss by Desiree Richter view at
Book Review: Dad #1, Dad #2: A Queerspawn View From the Closet Tue Jun 20 2017
Book review of a memoir about growing up with two dads and a mom in Boise, Idaho. read this article
#GayParenting #Queerspawn #BookReviews
TBR Tuesday Book Review: She/He/They/Me by Robyn Ryle Tue Mar 12 2019
She/He/They/Me is thorough, inclusive, and fun to read. I'd recommend it to anyone interested in exploring gender or someone frustrated by trying to explain gender to someone else.  read this article
#Gender #NonbinaryGender #LGBTQIA #Ryle #SheHeTheyMe
Pride Month Book Club: Adult Book Club Picks: The Gender Edition Sat Jun 01 2019
Each week of Pride month I will give your book club a few recommendations in queer categories of my choosing. The first week is the gender edition. read this article
#PrideMonthBookClub #Gender #JMASEIII, #RaeTheodore #RobynRyle #LoriDuron #JeanetteWinterson #LauraKateDale #
Book Release Announced! Mon Apr 17 2017
Preorder Information and link read this article
#bookRelease #Girlish
Book Review: UNWRITTEN by Tara Gilboy (Middle Grade Fantasy) Tue Oct 16 2018
Happy release day to Tara Gilboy! Read on to hear my thoughts on her Middle Grade fantasy, UNWRITTEN read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #Unwritten #NetGalley #MiddleGrade
TBR Tuesday: Don't Check Out This Book by Kate Klise and illustrated by M. Sarah Klise Tue Mar 17 2020
Kids stuck home from school will love sleuthing out just what is going on at Appleton Elementary School. read this article
#MiddleGrade #TBR Tuesday #BookReview #YoungAlgonquin #Don't Check Out This Book
TBT Monday Book Review: Hurricane Season by Nicole Melleby Mon May 06 2019
This is a book I needed as a child, and the fact that it exists for my own children gives me hope for the world. read this article
#BookReview #HurricaneSeason #MG #MentalIllness #Queer
TBR Tuesday Review: I WANTED FRIES WITH THAT by Amy Fish and GIVEAWAY Tue Aug 13 2019
My dear friend Amy Fish has a book coming out this fall and I’ve taken it upon myself to become a one-person evangelist for it, so to whet your appetite I not only reviewed it early but am running a giveaway for her first book, The Art of Complaining Effectively. read this article
#AmyFish #IWantedFriesWithThat #Giveaway
The Wishing Shelf Book Awards Review of DRAGON BROTHERS Sat May 23 2020
"A cleverly plotted fantasy adventure with a strong moral message. Perfect for 9 – 12-year-olds and highly recommended." --The Wishing Shelf read this article
#WishingShefReview #DragonBrothers
Pride Month Book Club: Young Adult Bookclub Sat Jun 08 2019
Each week of Pride month I will give your book club a few recommendations in queer categories of my choosing. This week is the Young Adult edition! read this article
#PrideMonth #BookClub #YoungAdult
The Talk and the Book Mon Mar 16 2015
I realized I was about to lose control over the flow of information - if they decided Mama was an unreliable source of truth, they would start asking other people instead. I figured a couple good books were the way to go. read this article
#parenting #OnlyMama #SexEd #Fail #ComprehensiveSexualityEducation
TBR Tuesday Picture Book Review: The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld Tue Jun 18 2019
I’m more of a Middle Grade than Picture Book reader, but it has come to my attention recently that I am perhaps not always that great at listening, so after getting multiple recommendations for this book I took it as a sign. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #PB #RabbitListened #Empathy #Friendship
To Be Read Tuesdays: A Dreadful Fairy Book by Jon Etter Tue Nov 06 2018
This is a rollicking romp with themes of friendship, forgiveness, and the value of books. It calls itself “A Fairytale for Readers of All Ages” and I’d feel comfortable giving it to my 10-year-old or my 13-year-old, and I quite enjoyed it at age 45. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #JonEtter #DreadfulFairyBook #AmberjackPublishing
Book Review of GIRLISH by K.J. Harrowick Tue Mar 27 2018
I may have never looked twice at her book as memoir is not really my thing, but I adore Lara. The more I kept seeing blurbs of her book everywhere, the more I wanted to read it. view at blog
#Girlish #Review
Book Review: DRAGON PEARL by Yoon Ha Lee Mon Jan 14 2019
I'm sure this amazing and gender-diverse Middle Grade Fantasy will be the next Star Wars. read this article
#BookReview #DragonPearl #MG #Fantasy #SPaceOpera #GenderInclusive #OwnVoices
To Be Read Tuesday: Yet Another Dreadful Fairy Book by Jon Etter Tue Feb 02 2021
Who doesn't love a protagonist who is both a hero and a librarian? read this article
#TBRTuesday #Etter #YetAnotherDreadfulFairyBook #MG #fantasy
Book Review of Sink or Swim: Tales from the Deep End of Everywhere by Brenda Kelley Kim Fri Dec 16 2016
That common experience of motherhood makes this book engaging, as each story reminds me of one of my own, making reading the book feel like a conversation between new friends. view at momeggreview
#BookReview #Humor #Parenting
BOOK REVIEW + GIVEAWAY for My Mother Says Drums Are For Boys Tue Sep 04 2018
Welcome to TBR Tuesdays, where I suggest books to add to your To Be Read pile. This week's selection is: My Mother Says Drums Are For Boys: True Stories for Gender Rebels by Rae Theodore. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #RaeTheodore #Giveaway #Rafflecopter #LGBTQIA #ButchPride
Read a Review of Dragon Brothers by Independent Book Review Sat May 23 2020
L. B. Lillibridge takes the very real societal problem of classism and blends elements of fantasy into it so well that I never lose the intentions of the novel or miss a beat in the story. read this article
#Review #DragonBrothers #IndependentBookReview
TBR Tuesdays: Interview with Lisa Romeo, Author of STARTING WITH GOODBYE Tue Sep 11 2018
It's TBR Tuesday, when I suggest a book to add to your To Be Read pile. This week's book is STARTING WITH GOODBYE by Lisa Romeo read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #LisaRomeo #HippoCamp
Publishing a Book is Like Riding a Bicycle, and the Crashes are Inevitable Tue Mar 13 2018
I’ve had several writers tell me some version of, “I could never deal with people rejecting my book, so I’m going to self-publish.” I’m here to tell you that is the wrong decision. view at manhattanbookreview
#WritingTips #ManhattanBookReview
Interview with Peter Bunzl, author of SKYCIRCUS + GIVEAWAY Tue Feb 11 2020
Read my interview with middle grade fantasy author Peter Bunzl and enter our 3 book giveaway. read this article
#SkyCircus #AuthorInterview #MG #Fantasy #Giveaway
TBR Tuesday Interview: KJ Harrowick, Author of BLOODFLOWER Tue Feb 08 2022
read this article
#TBRTuesday #BloodFlower #fantasy
In Conversation With Leslie Lawrence, Author of "The Death of Fred Astaire" Wed May 24 2017
Interview style book review of a marvelous essay collection about life, learning, and teaching. There are also children and dogs. read this article
#BookReview #QueerParenting #essays #writing #LeslieLawrence
Book Review: Tilting by Nicole Harkin Mon Jul 17 2017
It’s hard to be a kid. It’s hard to figure out where to stand or what to do when the world is constantly shifting under your feet.   read this article
#BookReview #Memoir #Tilting
How to Write Useful Book Reviews Wed May 16 2018
It turns out, ignoring a book is one of the worst things you can do for it—so what do you do if you don’t love a book but don’t want to punish the writer with your silence? view at thedebutanteball
#DebutanteBall #WritingLife #BookReviews
Book Review of FLOPPY by Alyssa Graybeal Sat Oct 14 2023
Don’t just read Floppy for the story—read it for the writing. Winner of the 2020 Red Hen Nonfiction Award, Graybeal’s book can be funny and poignant, her voice clear and unusual. view at riverteethjournal
#RiverTeeth #BookReview #FLoppy
Book Review: The Daily Hazards of a Middle Eastern Wife by Soad Nasr Sun Nov 15 2015
Beyond being courageous, Soad Nasr’s voice is fresh and crisp. This results in a friendly tone that is easy to access for people of all backgrounds. view at huffingtonpost
#BookReview #HuffPost
Book Review: QueerSpawn in Love by Kellen Anne Kaiser Sun Jul 02 2017
Even though we are both queerspawn, Kaiser’s family makes my parents look like amateurs. view at huffingtonpost
#Queerspawn #BookReview
Book Review: Have You Seen CindySleigh? & Other Stories by Diane Stiglich Wed Aug 30 2017
This book is a dream-like art-come-to-life world, where there are truths that are as immutable in this reality as in the one on the page, and stumbling across these truths is as if we find something solid to hold onto—grasping a rock after clawing at clouds. view at momeggreview
#BookReview #MagicalRealism #MomEggReview #CindySleigh
TBR Tuesdays Interview with Krystal Sital, author of SECRETS WE KEPT Tue Sep 25 2018
From the moment I picked up Secrets We Kept: Three Women of Trinidad, I was enthralled with the beauty of Sital's prose. The narrative is gripping, but the art  with which she strings words together is simply gorgegous. I'm pleased to introduce you to her book, and to Krystal herself through this virtual interview.   read this article
#TBRTuesdays #AuthorInterview #KrystalSital #Memoir #HippoCamp #EmbraceTheWritingLife
TBR Tuesday Review: Dragon Pearl by Noon Ha Lee Tue Jan 29 2019
This YA/MG book is diverse and inclusive. Women and men are equally represented in positions of authority (guards, ship captains) and it has nonbinary characters! Strongly influenced by Korean folklore, this story is both old and new at once. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #DragonPearl #YA-MG #GenderQueer #OwnVoices #Korean
To Be Read Tuesdays: Running Out by Dave Essinger Tue Feb 26 2019
This is a great book for any endurance runners, or former runners, or maybe one day in the future runners. I went into the book knowing very little about running and still enjoyed the vicarious experience immensely.  read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #RunningOut #Essinger
TBR Tuesday: Giveaway for THE DREAM PEDDLER and Interview with Martine Fournier Watson Tue Apr 09 2019
Today is the release day of THE DREAM PEDDLER which Rene Denfeld, bestselling author of The Child Finder described as, “Astonishing . . . Explores the vast underground legacy of our own desires. This is the must-read book of the year.” We’re giving away a copy to one lucky reader! read this article
#DebBall #MartineWatson #DreamPeddler #BookReview #Giveaway
TBR Tuesday Review: The Bravest Knight Who Ever Lived by Daniel Errico, Illustrated by Shiloh Penfield Tue Jul 09 2019
I'm upping my Picture Book game. Here's a wonderful rhyming picture book with a gay knight. read this article
Book Review: Object Lesson: A Guide to Writing Poetry by Jennifer Jean Sat Jul 10 2021
This book helped me to break down poetry and really understand how it worked, and then apply it to my own writing. view at momeggreview
#ObjectLesson #MomEggReview #BookReview #CraftBook
Book Review: XO by Sara Rauch Tue Jun 21 2022
The story of a bisexual woman’s search for love is not a common one, particularly those of us who are “straight-passing,” that is, in a long term relationship with a male partner. view at merliterary
#XO #MomEggReview
Book Review: Kneel Said the Night by Margo Berdeshevsky Mon Dec 19 2022
Here, the females are not helpless, not in need of a woodsman’s rescue or a cautionary moral, rather they exalt in their naked skin and power view at merliterary
#momeggreview #KneelSaidTheKnight
TBR Tuesday: Interview with Meghan Scott Molin and Giveaway for THE FRAME UP Tue Dec 18 2018
In sum, Meghan Scott Molin has given us a tight--dare I say zany--caper peopled with the kind of characters I'd love to hang out with IRL.  If you enjoyed Janet Evanovitch's Stephanie Plum series, you'll love THE FRAME UP. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #interview #Giveaway #GeekGirl #Mystery
How I Turned My Blog Into a Book Sat Apr 27 2019
I realized that I actually could make my blog into a how-to (or how-not-to) reference book/memoir complete with mediocre recipes. I mean, there are tons of books with good recipes, but not that many books that explain how to fake your way through life with a microwave. view at booksbywomen
#BooksByWomen #MamaMamaOnlyMama
TBR Tuesday Review: The Exalted by Kaitlyn Sage Patterson Tue May 21 2019
This YA fantasy is all about balances and contradictions, with well-fleshed out complicated characters. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #TheExalted #KaitlynSagePatterson
TBR Tuesday: Redwood and Ponytail by KA Holt Tue Oct 01 2019
This week's recommendation is an upper Middle-Grade novel in verse featuring a cheerleader and a volleyball player. read this article
#MG #Queer #RedwoodandPonytail #TBRTuesday #Lesbian #NewRelease
Book Review: Love is Make-Believe by Riham Adly Sat Jul 30 2022
I personally love story collections in the summer—the small bits fit nicely into a busy schedule and the time away from the book allows the words to linger, as I roll them over in my mind. I had heard about Riham Adly’s flash fiction collection, Love is Make-Believe, and jumped at the chance to review it. view at merliterary
#MomEEggReview #LoveIsMakeBelieve #ShortStories #Riham-Adly
Book Review: Mama, Mama, Only Mama: A Single Mom on Parenting, Divorce, Dating, and Cooking, with Heavy Doses of Humor and Advice Wed Jun 05 2019
It’s funny, real, and while it applies most to single moms and dating it has so much for any mom to relate to. view at smroffey
#MamaMamaOnlyMama #Review #SMRoffey
Book Review: Grieving: Dispatches from a Wounded Country by Cristina Rivera Garza Mon Aug 17 2020
This book is an act of resistance against the institutional violence of Mexico and the US, and shines a light on the policies that make poor Mexican bodies, especially female bodies, disposable. view at momeggreview
#MomEggReview #Garza #FeministPress #Latinx #Grieving
Book Review: the Witch of Eye: Essays by Kathryn Nuernberger Fri Apr 02 2021
The stories of witches truly are the stories of renegade women, and, it turns out, the history of systematic and sanctioned abuse of marginalized people by those in power. view at momeggreview
#MomeggReview #essays #WitchOfEye
Book Review: The Exit is the Entrance: Essays on Escape by Linda Paar Thu Jan 02 2025
The Exit is the Entrance is a collection of essays on leaving—going to as well as away from—college, the military, relationships, wrong decisions. It is a series of ruminative journeys written in first, second, and third person long-form essays, in which Paar explores creativity, erasure, our connection to the earth and each other in lyrical prose. Read my full review at River Teeth: Standing on the Threshold Between: An Exploration of Liminal Spaces and Transitions. view at riverteethjournal
#BookReview #Riverteeth #Paar
Interview with Book Publicist Andrea Kiliany Thatcher Tue Jun 26 2018
For Industry Insiders week, I wanted to introduce you to Andrea Kiliany Thatcher of Smith Publicity, whom I worked with in the months leading up to the release of my memoir, Girlish: Growing Up in a Lesbian Home. view at thedebutanteball
#DebutanteBall #interview #Publicist
Book Review of The Missing Girl by Jacqueline Doyle Fri Dec 15 2017
The Missing Girl is comprised of eight separate stories, each only a few pages long. Told from the point of view of perpetrators, victims, and friends of victims, each chapter is a stand-alone story about a girl who was preyed upon by someone known, or unknown. A haunting collection, its prose is clear and direct, with exquisite tension. view at momeggreview
#MomEggReview #BookReview #Doyle #TheMissingGirl
Linda’s Book Obsession Interviews Lara Lillibridge Tue Apr 23 2019
An Interview with Lara Lillibridge, Author of “Mama, Mama, Only Mama” view at lindasbookobsession
#MamaMamaOnlyMama #LindasBookObsession #Interview
Review: Homesick, by Jennifer Croft Fri Oct 25 2019
A quick review of a gorgeous experimental memoir. read this article
#Homesick #JenniferCroft #BookReview #TBRTuesday
Book Review: The Distance From Four Points by Margo Orlando Littell Tue Jul 07 2020
I think as mothers, we all have skeletons in our closets we’d prefer not to come to light, so watching the protagonist come to terms with her past helped me to reframe my own thinking about self-forgiveness. view at momeggreview
#MomeEggReview #DistanceFromFourPoints #Littell #Fiction
TBR Tuesday Review + GIVEAWAY: THE PERFECT ASSASSIN by KA Doore Tue Mar 19 2019
Today is the release day of The Perfect Assassin (The Chronicles of Ghadid #1) by K.A. Doore! To celebrate, we’re offering up a free copy to one lucky reader! read this article
#BookReview#PerfectAssassin #KADoore #DebBall #LGBTQIA #QueerLit
In Which the Secret Projects Are Revealed Mon Mar 02 2020
I've been keeping my mouth shut for an extraordinarily long time, and now I'm ready to shout the news. read this article
#DragonBrothers #FurtiveGrunionBooks #SecretProject
Book Review of Forget Russia by L. Bordetsky-Williams Mon Feb 01 2021
Review of historical fiction set in Russia in 1915-1980 posted on Mom Egg Review. view at momeggreview
#MomEEggReview #BookReview #ForgetRussia #Bordetsky-Williams
TBR Tuesday: a List of my Favorite Middle Grade Books with Queer Characters Tue Mar 26 2019
A hastily assembled shopping list that will be updated as time goes on. read this article
#QueerLit #MG #LGBTQIA
TBR Tuesday: SPARK by Sarah Beth Durst Tue May 14 2019
Spark is, at its heart, the story of a quiet girl who learns that she is enough just as she is. read this article
TBR Tuesday Review: The Sound of Silence By Myron Uhlberg Tue May 28 2019
A middle grade adaptation of Uhlberg's memoir on growing up the hearing child of deaf parents. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #TheSoundofSilence #MyronUhlberg #MG #Memoir
Mama, Mama, Only Mama made it to the Best Single Parents Books of All Time Tue Jul 16 2024
read this article
Book Review of 16 Pills by Carley Moore Wed Nov 14 2018
Carley Moore’s essay collection, 16 Pills, is an exploration on what it means to be a single parent, a disabled child, a daughter, a teacher, a sister, a woman. view at momeggreview
#MomEggReview #BookReview #Moore #16Pills #Divorce #SingleParentingWriters
Announcement: Girlish is a Finalist for Foreword Reviews' Book of the Year Wed Mar 13 2019
In which twitter teaches me to check my inbox. read this article
#Girlish #ForewordReviews
TBR Tuesday Review: Accidentally Gay by Lucky and Wolsey Bradley Tue Jul 02 2019
This is one of the most heart-warming shared memoirs I’ve read. If you are in need of a heavy dose of hope, skip this review and just buy this book now.  read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #Memoir #AccidentallyGay #Trans #Queer #LGBTQIA #Adult #SharedMemoir #Marriage #HappilyEverAfterQueer
TBR Tuesday: The End of Something Wonderful: A Practical Guide to a Backyard Funeral by Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic Tue Sep 03 2019
Kids feel things deeply. We need all the resources we can to help them survive childhood. A new release and a few other resources for kids who have recently lost a pet. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #EndofSomethingWonderful #Grief
Book Review: The Nail in the Tree: Essays on Art, Violence, and Childhood by Carol Ann Davis Sat Feb 29 2020
Haunting and poignant, The Nail in the Tree speaks to the fear and grief of mothers in this time of violence against children. "And the children, understanding better than we, are said to have whispered along a long line one to the other by way of explanation wild animal wild animal wild animal." (pg 4) view at momeggreview
#MomEggReview #BookReview #NailInTheTree #Davis #TupeloPress #SandyHook
Book Review: Daddy by Michael Montlack Thu May 13 2021
"Daddy" by Michael Montlack is an exploration of relationships and self. By turns heartbreaking and humorous, Montlack’s writing is accessible without being superficial. view at momeggreview
#MomEEggReview #BookReview #poetry #Gay #Daddy #Montlack
Book Review: We Are Bridges Wed Oct 06 2021
My review of the speculative memoir, "We Are Bridges" by Cassandra Lane, our now with Feminist Press view at momeggreview
#MomEggReview #BookReview #WeAreBridges #SpeculativeMemoir #Race #Lynching
Turn Your Short Pieces Into a Finished Nonfiction Book, posted on Fri Jan 31 2025
Have you amassed a heap of assorted essays, flash pieces, chapters, ideas, and you think you have enough to turn it into a book? Does it seem scattered and overwhelming and you’re not sure what will fit where and it is all rather daunting? Never fear—here is a step-by-step guide to turn your hot mess into a hot dish. view at janefriedman
#JaneFriedman #AssemblingTheCollage #Fragments #Craft
Let's Talk About The Diminished Thu Apr 12 2018
It's the book release of THE DIMINISHED, one of my favorite YA Fantasy novels. view at thedebutanteball
#DebutanteBall #TheDiminished #BookReview
Mama, Mama, Only Mama! Lara Lillibridge Discusses Book 2 Tue Jul 31 2018
Being a single mother means finding out you are stronger than you ever knew was possible. view at thedebutanteball
#DebutanteBall #Book2 #OnlyMama
It's My Release Day! Tue Apr 03 2018
That’s why I wrote the book. Not for my parents, not for good reviews or sales, but for another daughter with a lesbian mother who’s never seen anything close to her family on the page before. view at thedebutanteball
#DebutanteBall #WritingLife #ReleaseDay
TBR Tuesday: Love Lives Here: A Story of Thriving in a Transgender Family by Amanda Jette Knox Tue Jul 30 2019
My review of new release memoir, "Love Lives Here," by Amanda Jette Knox. read this article
#TransgenderFamilies #Memoir #NewRelease
Mama, Mama, Only Mama made it to the Best New Parenting eBooks! Fri Nov 08 2019
As featured on CNN, Forbes, and Inc – BookAuthority identifies and rates the best books in the world, based on public mentions, recommendations, ratings and sentiment. read this article
#MMOM #MamaMamaOnlyMama #Awards #Top10
To Be Read Tuesday: Cryptozoology for Beginners by Matt Harry, Illus. by Juliane Crump Tue Nov 26 2019
A fun magical animal rescue mission with diverse characters. read this article
#TBRTuesday #YA #Diverse #Queer #Cryptozoology #MattHarry #Inkshares #FirstNations #MagicalAnimals
TBR Tuesday Review: Extraordinary Birds by Sandy Stark-McGinnis Tue Apr 23 2019
Extraordinary Birds is quite simply everything I've ever wanted in a middle grade novel. It's utterly captivating. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #ExtraordinaryBirds #SandyStark-McGinnis
TBR Tuesday: The Rope Swing by Jonathan Corcoran Tue Oct 08 2019
A searing story collection about a small town and the people who grew up there. read this article
#TBRTuesday #TheRopeSwing #Corcoran #QueerLit #WVWC #ShortStories
Desperation Reading Sat Aug 19 2017
Desperation reading often leads us down unexpected paths and exposes us to genres we don’t think appeal to us. read this article
#reading #parenting
TBR Tuesday Review + GIVEAWAY: SECRETS OF HOPELIGHT by Eva Blackstone Tue Oct 23 2018
Review of upper middle grade novel and giveaway. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #SugPieStories #SecretofHopeLight
TBR Tuesday: Waters Run Wild by Andrea Fekete + Inverview Tue Nov 27 2018
Historical literary fiction that will break your heart with its beauty. read this article
#BookReview #AuthorInterview #WatersRunWild #Fekete
TBR Tuesday Review: The Story Web by Megan Frazer Blakemore Tue Jun 11 2019
It's a haunting, enchanting story of friendship, love, mental illness, PTSD and gossip, of what makes a hero and the power of story--both negative and positive stories. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #StoryWeb #MG #MentalIllness #PTSD
TBR Tuesday Review: Too Young to Escape by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch and Van Ho Tue Jun 25 2019
Van Ho woke up one morning to discover that her mother and siblings had left Vietnam in the middle of the night. This is her story of being left behind. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #MG #TooYoungToEscape #VanHo #Skrypuch
TBR Tuesday: Surrender Your Sons by Adam Sass Tue Apr 07 2020
This queer YA has it all—suspense, mystery, adventure, revenge, and romance.  read this article
#TBRTuesday #YA #Diverse #Queer #Flux #SurrenderYourSons #AdamSass
About me Sat Oct 23 2021
Lara Lillibridge's Bio read this article
TBR Tuesday Review: Sapphire the Great and the Meaning of Life By Beverly Brenna Tue Feb 19 2019
This fun, illustrated middle grade novel features a hamster, a girl, and a family on the rocks. Sapphire the Great and the Meaning of Life was written in consultation with OutSaskatoon, an organization that supports LGBTQ2S+ people of all ages. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #QueerSpawn #MG #SapphireTheGreat #LGBTQIA #Trans
INTERVIEW: Ron Hogan, Author of Our Endless and Proper Work Mon Aug 02 2021
I sat down with Ron Hogan over Zoom to discuss his new book on the writing life, "Our Endless and Proper Work," a truly different book on craft and creativity. view at hippocampusmagazine
#RonHogan #HippocampusMagazine #Interview
A Review of Alejandro Zambra’s Multiple Choice (translated by Megan McDowell) Sun Oct 23 2016
Multiple Choice is a small, weird book that is best read in one sitting, so the sections can build properly on each other (which of course I didn’t actually do, because it was summer and life interfered and I am never as assiduous as I mean to be). view at weirderary
Review and Giveaway for BY THE FORCES OF GRAVITY by Rebecca Fish Ewan Tue Oct 30 2018
Written in free verse accompanied by hand drawn illustrations, BY THE FORCES OF GRAVITY offers us a different concept of memoir itself.   read this article
#BookReview #Giveaway #RebeccaFishEwan #ByTheForcesOfGravity
Three LGBTQIA-Themed Picture Books in Time for Holiday Shopping Tue Nov 13 2018
I pawn my work off on my 10-year-old and get him to review books for me. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #RED #JulianIsaMermaid #JeromeByHeart #LGBTQIAbooks #QueerLit
TBR Tuesday: GIVEAWAY for The Space Between Lost and Found by Sandy Stark-McGinnis Tue Apr 28 2020
The Space Between Lost and Found is a rich tale with vivid, well-fleshed out characters. Read more for a chance to win one copy. read this article
#MG #Stark-McGinnis #SpaceBetweenLostandFound #Bloomsbury #Giveaway
Interview: Rebecca Fish Ewan, Author of Doodling for Writers Wed Nov 11 2020
Rebecca Fish Ewan's book taught me that doodling can be more satisfying than I ever imagined. view at hippocampusmagazine
#HippocampusMagazine #Interview #RebeccaFishEwan #DoodlingForWriters
How Someone Else's Interview Changed My Life Sun Mar 18 2018
I read KJ Harrowick’s interview with Alon Shalev a few months ago, and it touched something off in me.  read this article
#MothersWhoWrite #HalonChronicles
It Is Now Safe to Exit the Ride Tue Aug 28 2018
A roller coaster may be a tired metaphor for a book release, but I’m standing by it. It’s my last post on the Ball, and tired is an adequate description of my present state as well. view at thedebutanteball
#DebutanteBall #Girlish #FinalThoughts #RollerCoaster
TBR Tuesday Review: To the Moon and Back: A Childhood Under the Influence by Lisa Kohn Tue Sep 18 2018
Today's suggestion for your To Be Read List is an astonishingly beautiful and haunting memoir by Lisa Kohn about grouping up in Reverend Moon’s Unification Church. read this article
#BookReview #ToTheMoonAndBack #Memoir #LisaKohn
Special Very Exciting Announcement Sun Jun 24 2018
My next big thing. You don't want to miss it. It's so awesome I grew 3 pimples in celebration. read this article
#OnlyMama #BookRelease
TBR Tuesday Review: Punctuation Without Tears by Dominic Selwood Tue Jul 23 2019
Sometimes we have to buckle down and learn the things we have avoided learning--in my case, the proper use of the comma. This book actually is fun to read as well as informative. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #CraftBooks #PunctuationWithoutTears
TBR Tuesday: A Feminist Giveaway for my Birthday! Tue Sep 10 2019
Since it's my birthday week, one lucky reader gets a present. Two presents, actually. read this article
#TBRTuesday #FeministGiveaway #Birthday #NotWives #New EroticiaForFeminists