Search: "Check"

TBR Tuesday: Don't Check Out This Book by Kate Klise and illustrated by M. Sarah Klise Tue Mar 17 2020
Kids stuck home from school will love sleuthing out just what is going on at Appleton Elementary School. read this article
#MiddleGrade #TBR Tuesday #BookReview #YoungAlgonquin #Don't Check Out This Book
Elocution Fail Blog Mon Dec 12 2016
Most of my mangled language I got from reading books. As a child, I read quickly and didn’t always notice that I was adding or deleting letters, or putting them in a different order.  I tend to speak like I write—in spell-check-ese. read this article
#parentingFail #publicSpeaking
Announcement: Girlish is a Finalist for Foreword Reviews' Book of the Year Wed Mar 13 2019
In which twitter teaches me to check my inbox. read this article
#Girlish #ForewordReviews
TBR Tuesday: Exit Plans for Teenage Freaks by Nathan Burgoine Tue Dec 11 2018
Exit Plans for Teenage Freaks by Nathan Burgoine is a fun queer rom-com sci-fi novel set in present time Canada.  From Cole, our bullet journal loving protagonist, his ace BFF Alec, and Malik, the hottest guy in school, you will find someone to relate to or fall in love with in this brand-new YA novel. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #ExitPlans #QueerLit #LGBTQIA #SciFi #YA
Book Release Announced! Mon Apr 17 2017
Preorder Information and link read this article
#bookRelease #Girlish
TBR Tuesday: GIVEAWAY for The Space Between Lost and Found by Sandy Stark-McGinnis Tue Apr 28 2020
The Space Between Lost and Found is a rich tale with vivid, well-fleshed out characters. Read more for a chance to win one copy. read this article
#MG #Stark-McGinnis #SpaceBetweenLostandFound #Bloomsbury #Giveaway
TBR Tuesday Review: The Bravest Knight Who Ever Lived by Daniel Errico, Illustrated by Shiloh Penfield Tue Jul 09 2019
I'm upping my Picture Book game. Here's a wonderful rhyming picture book with a gay knight. read this article
The Clash of The Headache Diet and The Slacker Mom Tue Jan 03 2017
Unfortunately, I was reminded by how much my version of healthy eating misses the mark when the doctor put my son on the “headache diet” for his Chronic Daily Headaches. read this article
#healthyEating #Slackermom
Mama, Look at Me Mon Jan 16 2017
My body is there with my children, but my mind is full of my own things: who needs to be where, when, and what needs to happen in order for that to occur, what I can cook for dinner that everyone will eat without complaining, a half-thought I want to remember to write down and expand into an essay. I look at him but don’t watch him closely. read this article
#parenting #mothers #LookAtMe #HuffPost
Our Mousie Roommate   Mon Dec 03 2018
We have a mouse, a cat, and a rat terrier. One of those was an unintentional acquisition. read this article
#Mouse #Humor #CatsWhoDon'tCat #RatTerriersThatDontTerrier
To Be Read Tuesday: Cryptozoology for Beginners by Matt Harry, Illus. by Juliane Crump Tue Nov 26 2019
A fun magical animal rescue mission with diverse characters. read this article
#TBRTuesday #YA #Diverse #Queer #Cryptozoology #MattHarry #Inkshares #FirstNations #MagicalAnimals
TBR Tuesday: Egg Marks the Spot Tue Oct 12 2021
Read my review of the delightful middle-grade novel, "Egg Marks the Spot" by Amy Timberlake. read this article
#MiddleGrade #TBR Tuesday #BookReview #YoungAlgonquin #EggMarksTheSpot #Timberlake
TBR Tuesday: Giveaway for THE DREAM PEDDLER and Interview with Martine Fournier Watson Tue Apr 09 2019
Today is the release day of THE DREAM PEDDLER which Rene Denfeld, bestselling author of The Child Finder described as, “Astonishing . . . Explores the vast underground legacy of our own desires. This is the must-read book of the year.” We’re giving away a copy to one lucky reader! read this article
#DebBall #MartineWatson #DreamPeddler #BookReview #Giveaway
The Cost/Benefits of Writing Conferences Mon May 20 2019
was chit-chatting with an author recently about the expense of writing conferences, and, as always, the conversation continued in my head long after I went home. Since I really love to give advice and I’m also avoiding working on other more pressing things, it seemed a good time for a blog post.  read this article
Getting Tested for COVID Fri Mar 27 2020
I learned that I’m not a good quarantine mom, and I’m extremely grateful that I didn’t have to pay a price for that. read this article
To Be Read Tuesday: Yet Another Dreadful Fairy Book by Jon Etter Tue Feb 02 2021
Who doesn't love a protagonist who is both a hero and a librarian? read this article
#TBRTuesday #Etter #YetAnotherDreadfulFairyBook #MG #fantasy
Faking It Mon Apr 10 2017
When it comes to being a “pants on fire” variety liar, reputation helps. read this article
#PlayingSick #Parenting #SinsOfTheMother
TBR Tuesday Review: Accidentally Gay by Lucky and Wolsey Bradley Tue Jul 02 2019
This is one of the most heart-warming shared memoirs I’ve read. If you are in need of a heavy dose of hope, skip this review and just buy this book now.  read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #Memoir #AccidentallyGay #Trans #Queer #LGBTQIA #Adult #SharedMemoir #Marriage #HappilyEverAfterQueer
In Which the Secret Projects Are Revealed Mon Mar 02 2020
I've been keeping my mouth shut for an extraordinarily long time, and now I'm ready to shout the news. read this article
#DragonBrothers #FurtiveGrunionBooks #SecretProject
World's Simplest Beer Bread Sun Mar 15 2020
In this time of home confinement and empty stores, I thought I'd share some of my minimalist recipes from MAMA MAMA ONLY MAMA. This week: World's Simplest Beer Bread. (Only 3 ingredients) read this article
#MamaMamaOnlyMama #BeerBread #OverSimplifiedRecipies #BakingForThe Apocalypse
To Be Read Tuesdays: A Dreadful Fairy Book by Jon Etter Tue Nov 06 2018
This is a rollicking romp with themes of friendship, forgiveness, and the value of books. It calls itself “A Fairytale for Readers of All Ages” and I’d feel comfortable giving it to my 10-year-old or my 13-year-old, and I quite enjoyed it at age 45. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #JonEtter #DreadfulFairyBook #AmberjackPublishing
TBR Tuesday Review: I WANTED FRIES WITH THAT by Amy Fish and GIVEAWAY Tue Aug 13 2019
My dear friend Amy Fish has a book coming out this fall and I’ve taken it upon myself to become a one-person evangelist for it, so to whet your appetite I not only reviewed it early but am running a giveaway for her first book, The Art of Complaining Effectively. read this article
#AmyFish #IWantedFriesWithThat #Giveaway
Interview with Writer/Actor/Comedian/Director Mayur Chauhan Tue Aug 06 2019
I wanted to introduce everyone I know to my friend Mayur Chauhan and his work--then I remembered that I have a blog and can actually make that happen virtually.  read this article
#MayurChauhan #Interview #Comedy
TBR Tuesday Interview: KJ Harrowick, Author of BLOODFLOWER Tue Feb 08 2022
read this article
#TBRTuesday #BloodFlower #fantasy