Search: "#Trans"

TBR Tuesday Review: Accidentally Gay by Lucky and Wolsey Bradley Tue Jul 02 2019
This is one of the most heart-warming shared memoirs I’ve read. If you are in need of a heavy dose of hope, skip this review and just buy this book now.  read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #Memoir #AccidentallyGay #Trans #Queer #LGBTQIA #Adult #SharedMemoir #Marriage #HappilyEverAfterQueer
TBR Tuesday Review: Uncomfortable Labels:My Life as a Gay Autistic Trans Woman by Laura Kate Dale Tue Jul 16 2019
Clear, direct, and with an uncommon precision of language, Laura Kate Dale writes about her experience as a transgender autistic woman. Out July 18, 2019, with Jessica Kingsley Publishers. read this article
#NewRelease #TBRTuesday #LauraKateDale #UncomfortableLabels #Trans #Memoir
TBR Tuesday: GEORGE by Alex Gino Tue Dec 04 2018
A middle grade story of a trans girl trying to find her place. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #George #AlexGino #QueerLit #LGBTQIA #Trans
TBR Tuesday Review: Sapphire the Great and the Meaning of Life By Beverly Brenna Tue Feb 19 2019
This fun, illustrated middle grade novel features a hamster, a girl, and a family on the rocks. Sapphire the Great and the Meaning of Life was written in consultation with OutSaskatoon, an organization that supports LGBTQ2S+ people of all ages. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #QueerSpawn #MG #SapphireTheGreat #LGBTQIA #Trans