Search: "#LauraKateDale"

TBR Tuesday Review: Uncomfortable Labels:My Life as a Gay Autistic Trans Woman by Laura Kate Dale Tue Jul 16 2019
Clear, direct, and with an uncommon precision of language, Laura Kate Dale writes about her experience as a transgender autistic woman. Out July 18, 2019, with Jessica Kingsley Publishers. read this article
#NewRelease #TBRTuesday #LauraKateDale #UncomfortableLabels #Trans #Memoir
Pride Month Book Club: Adult Book Club Picks: The Gender Edition Sat Jun 01 2019
Each week of Pride month I will give your book club a few recommendations in queer categories of my choosing. The first week is the gender edition. read this article
#PrideMonthBookClub #Gender #JMASEIII, #RaeTheodore #RobynRyle #LoriDuron #JeanetteWinterson #LauraKateDale #