Search: "#MG"

TBR Tuesday: Redwood and Ponytail by KA Holt Tue Oct 01 2019
This week's recommendation is an upper Middle-Grade novel in verse featuring a cheerleader and a volleyball player. read this article
#MG #Queer #RedwoodandPonytail #TBRTuesday #Lesbian #NewRelease
TBR Tuesday: GIVEAWAY for The Space Between Lost and Found by Sandy Stark-McGinnis Tue Apr 28 2020
The Space Between Lost and Found is a rich tale with vivid, well-fleshed out characters. Read more for a chance to win one copy. read this article
#MG #Stark-McGinnis #SpaceBetweenLostandFound #Bloomsbury #Giveaway
TBR Tuesday: a List of my Favorite Middle Grade Books with Queer Characters Tue Mar 26 2019
A hastily assembled shopping list that will be updated as time goes on. read this article
#QueerLit #MG #LGBTQIA
New Release! Skunk and Badger by Amy Timberlake Mon Sep 14 2020
This early Middle-Grade story explores what to do when you find out you were wrong in a big way. read this article
#SkunkandBadger #MG #NewRelease
TBR Tuesday: The Elephant's Girl by Celesta Rimington Mon May 18 2020
This middle-grade novel about creating family and finding out who you are is the perfect escape for our current time of uncertainty. I was quickly swept away by this engrossing story about a girl with magic powers and the elephant who loves her. read this article
#Elephant'sGirl #MG #NewRelease #BookReview
Book Review: DRAGON PEARL by Yoon Ha Lee Mon Jan 14 2019
I'm sure this amazing and gender-diverse Middle Grade Fantasy will be the next Star Wars. read this article
#BookReview #DragonPearl #MG #Fantasy #SPaceOpera #GenderInclusive #OwnVoices
TBT Monday Book Review: Hurricane Season by Nicole Melleby Mon May 06 2019
This is a book I needed as a child, and the fact that it exists for my own children gives me hope for the world. read this article
#BookReview #HurricaneSeason #MG #MentalIllness #Queer
TBR Tuesday Review: Too Young to Escape by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch and Van Ho Tue Jun 25 2019
Van Ho woke up one morning to discover that her mother and siblings had left Vietnam in the middle of the night. This is her story of being left behind. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #MG #TooYoungToEscape #VanHo #Skrypuch
Interview with Peter Bunzl, author of SKYCIRCUS + GIVEAWAY Tue Feb 11 2020
Read my interview with middle grade fantasy author Peter Bunzl and enter our 3 book giveaway. read this article
#SkyCircus #AuthorInterview #MG #Fantasy #Giveaway
TBR Tuesday: Ana on the Edge by AJ Sass Tue Oct 20 2020
Wonderful Middle Grade Nonbinary Novel read this article
#AJSass #AnaOnTheEdge #MG #TBRTuesday #ENBY #LGBTQIA
TBR Tuesday Review: Sapphire the Great and the Meaning of Life By Beverly Brenna Tue Feb 19 2019
This fun, illustrated middle grade novel features a hamster, a girl, and a family on the rocks. Sapphire the Great and the Meaning of Life was written in consultation with OutSaskatoon, an organization that supports LGBTQ2S+ people of all ages. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #QueerSpawn #MG #SapphireTheGreat #LGBTQIA #Trans
TBR Tuesday Review: The Story Web by Megan Frazer Blakemore Tue Jun 11 2019
It's a haunting, enchanting story of friendship, love, mental illness, PTSD and gossip, of what makes a hero and the power of story--both negative and positive stories. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #StoryWeb #MG #MentalIllness #PTSD
To Be Read Tuesday: Yet Another Dreadful Fairy Book by Jon Etter Tue Feb 02 2021
Who doesn't love a protagonist who is both a hero and a librarian? read this article
#TBRTuesday #Etter #YetAnotherDreadfulFairyBook #MG #fantasy
TBR Tuesday Review: The Sound of Silence By Myron Uhlberg Tue May 28 2019
A middle grade adaptation of Uhlberg's memoir on growing up the hearing child of deaf parents. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #TheSoundofSilence #MyronUhlberg #MG #Memoir