Search: "#Giveaway"

Review and Giveaway for BY THE FORCES OF GRAVITY by Rebecca Fish Ewan Tue Oct 30 2018
Written in free verse accompanied by hand drawn illustrations, BY THE FORCES OF GRAVITY offers us a different concept of memoir itself.   read this article
#BookReview #Giveaway #RebeccaFishEwan #ByTheForcesOfGravity
It's a Massive Queerspawn Giveaway! Tue Apr 16 2019
2  books with lesbian mothers.  2 books with gay fathers.   4 radically different experiences.  1 massive giveaway! read this article
#Queerspawn #Giveaway #4books #QueerspawnGiveaway2019
TBR Tuesday Review: I WANTED FRIES WITH THAT by Amy Fish and GIVEAWAY Tue Aug 13 2019
My dear friend Amy Fish has a book coming out this fall and I’ve taken it upon myself to become a one-person evangelist for it, so to whet your appetite I not only reviewed it early but am running a giveaway for her first book, The Art of Complaining Effectively. read this article
#AmyFish #IWantedFriesWithThat #Giveaway
TBR Tuesday: GIVEAWAY for The Space Between Lost and Found by Sandy Stark-McGinnis Tue Apr 28 2020
The Space Between Lost and Found is a rich tale with vivid, well-fleshed out characters. Read more for a chance to win one copy. read this article
#MG #Stark-McGinnis #SpaceBetweenLostandFound #Bloomsbury #Giveaway
Interview and Giveaway with Courtney Maum, Author of Touch Sat Sep 30 2017
It seems as if everyone is chatting IRL and online about the tractor beam hold screens have over our lives, and whether intimacy is the price of technology, or is enhanced by it. If you are wondering if we are headed towards further isolation and a “post-touch” society, read on. view at thedebutanteball
#BookReview #CourtneyMaum #Touch #Giveaway
My Interview with Thrity Umrigar, Author of Everybody's Son Sat Nov 04 2017
I was first introduced to Dr. Thrity Umrigar’s work last spring when she and I both had the honor of having pieces we wrote performed in Lit Cleveland’s staged reading, Crossing Borders: Immigrant Narratives, a part of Cleveland State University’s Cleveland Humanities Festival. view at thedebutanteball
#BookReview #ThrityUmrigar #Everybody'sSon #Giveaway
BOOK REVIEW + GIVEAWAY for My Mother Says Drums Are For Boys Tue Sep 04 2018
Welcome to TBR Tuesdays, where I suggest books to add to your To Be Read pile. This week's selection is: My Mother Says Drums Are For Boys: True Stories for Gender Rebels by Rae Theodore. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #RaeTheodore #Giveaway #Rafflecopter #LGBTQIA #ButchPride
TBR Tuesday: Interview with Meghan Scott Molin and Giveaway for THE FRAME UP Tue Dec 18 2018
In sum, Meghan Scott Molin has given us a tight--dare I say zany--caper peopled with the kind of characters I'd love to hang out with IRL.  If you enjoyed Janet Evanovitch's Stephanie Plum series, you'll love THE FRAME UP. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #interview #Giveaway #GeekGirl #Mystery
TBR Tuesday: Giveaway for THE DREAM PEDDLER and Interview with Martine Fournier Watson Tue Apr 09 2019
Today is the release day of THE DREAM PEDDLER which Rene Denfeld, bestselling author of The Child Finder described as, “Astonishing . . . Explores the vast underground legacy of our own desires. This is the must-read book of the year.” We’re giving away a copy to one lucky reader! read this article
#DebBall #MartineWatson #DreamPeddler #BookReview #Giveaway
Interview with Peter Bunzl, author of SKYCIRCUS + GIVEAWAY Tue Feb 11 2020
Read my interview with middle grade fantasy author Peter Bunzl and enter our 3 book giveaway. read this article
#SkyCircus #AuthorInterview #MG #Fantasy #Giveaway
TBR Tuesday: A Feminist Giveaway for my Birthday! Tue Sep 10 2019
Since it's my birthday week, one lucky reader gets a present. Two presents, actually. read this article
#TBRTuesday #FeministGiveaway #Birthday #NotWives #New EroticiaForFeminists