Search: "#TBR"

TBR Tuesday: Don't Check Out This Book by Kate Klise and illustrated by M. Sarah Klise Tue Mar 17 2020
Kids stuck home from school will love sleuthing out just what is going on at Appleton Elementary School. read this article
#MiddleGrade #TBR Tuesday #BookReview #YoungAlgonquin #Don't Check Out This Book
TBR Tuesday: Egg Marks the Spot Tue Oct 12 2021
Read my review of the delightful middle-grade novel, "Egg Marks the Spot" by Amy Timberlake. read this article
#MiddleGrade #TBR Tuesday #BookReview #YoungAlgonquin #EggMarksTheSpot #Timberlake
TBR Tuesday Review: I WANTED FRIES WITH THAT by Amy Fish and GIVEAWAY Tue Aug 13 2019
My dear friend Amy Fish has a book coming out this fall and I’ve taken it upon myself to become a one-person evangelist for it, so to whet your appetite I not only reviewed it early but am running a giveaway for her first book, The Art of Complaining Effectively. read this article
#AmyFish #IWantedFriesWithThat #Giveaway