Search: "#MiddleGrade"

TBR Tuesday: CUB by Cynthia Copeland Tue Jan 07 2020
This middle-grade graphic novel is inspired by events and tells the story of how a 1970s girl navigates means girls and finds her voice while learning to become a cub reporter. read this article
#MIddleGrade #HistoricalFiction #GraphicNovel #1970sChildhood
TBR Tuesday: Don't Check Out This Book by Kate Klise and illustrated by M. Sarah Klise Tue Mar 17 2020
Kids stuck home from school will love sleuthing out just what is going on at Appleton Elementary School. read this article
#MiddleGrade #TBR Tuesday #BookReview #YoungAlgonquin #Don't Check Out This Book
TBR Tuesday: Egg Marks the Spot Tue Oct 12 2021
Read my review of the delightful middle-grade novel, "Egg Marks the Spot" by Amy Timberlake. read this article
#MiddleGrade #TBR Tuesday #BookReview #YoungAlgonquin #EggMarksTheSpot #Timberlake
TBR Tuesday: In The Role of Brie Hutchens by Nicole Melleby Tue Jun 30 2020
Let me introduce you to Brie, a complicated girl who is trying to sort out her identity, her family, and her religion. read this article
#PrideMonth #BookClub #MiddleGrade #BrieHutchens #Melleby #OwnVoices
Interview with Jon Etter, Author of Another Dreadful Fairy Book Tue Dec 31 2019
Jon Etter's wonderful 2nd book, Another Dreadful Fairy Book, hits the shelves January 7, 2020. I sat down (via the internets) and chatted with Jon about the new book and the writing life. read this article
#DreadfulFairyBooks #Etter #ChicagoReviewofBooks #MiddleGrade #Fanatasy
Book Review: UNWRITTEN by Tara Gilboy (Middle Grade Fantasy) Tue Oct 16 2018
Happy release day to Tara Gilboy! Read on to hear my thoughts on her Middle Grade fantasy, UNWRITTEN read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #Unwritten #NetGalley #MiddleGrade