Search: "#BookClub"

Pride Month Book Club: Young Adult Bookclub Sat Jun 08 2019
Each week of Pride month I will give your book club a few recommendations in queer categories of my choosing. This week is the Young Adult edition! read this article
#PrideMonth #BookClub #YoungAdult
Pride Month Book Club: Graphic Memoir and Graphic Novels Sat Jun 15 2019
Welcome to Pride Month Book Club the Graphic Memoir/Novel Edition! Here are three graphic memoirs for adult readers, and three books appropriate for all the readers in the household. read this article
#prideMonth #BookClub #GraphicNovels #GrpahicMemoir
Pride Month Book Club: Picture Books Sat Jun 29 2019
Here are 5 great picture books to celebrate Pride Month. There are a lot of great picture books, but if I'm going to post this in a timely manner I have to draw the line somewhere. Here are 5 favorites. read this article
#PrideMonth #BookClub #PictureBooks
TBR Tuesday: In The Role of Brie Hutchens by Nicole Melleby Tue Jun 30 2020
Let me introduce you to Brie, a complicated girl who is trying to sort out her identity, her family, and her religion. read this article
#PrideMonth #BookClub #MiddleGrade #BrieHutchens #Melleby #OwnVoices