Search: "Apocalypse"

World's Simplest Beer Bread Sun Mar 15 2020
In this time of home confinement and empty stores, I thought I'd share some of my minimalist recipes from MAMA MAMA ONLY MAMA. This week: World's Simplest Beer Bread. (Only 3 ingredients) read this article
#MamaMamaOnlyMama #BeerBread #OverSimplifiedRecipies #BakingForThe Apocalypse
Cooking for Quarantine: Instant Oatmeal Cookies Wed Mar 18 2020
If your grocery shelves are bare, don't worry. I can make a cookie out of anything. read this article
#MamaMamaOnlyMama #OatmeakCookies #OverSimplifiedRecipies #BakingForThe Apocalypse