Search: "#ComprehensiveSexualityEducation"

In Which I Receive The Infamous Email from the Health Teacher Mon Feb 20 2017
I have been dreading the school notification for over a year.  You know, the one that says something about how we will be having a health class just for boys and another one just for girls. Sex Ed, middle school style. read this article
#ComprehensiveSexualityEducation #TheTalk #AwkwardParenting
The Talk and the Book Mon Mar 16 2015
I realized I was about to lose control over the flow of information - if they decided Mama was an unreliable source of truth, they would start asking other people instead. I figured a couple good books were the way to go. read this article
#parenting #OnlyMama #SexEd #Fail #ComprehensiveSexualityEducation