Search: "#MomeEggReview"

Book Review: The Distance From Four Points by Margo Orlando Littell Tue Jul 07 2020
I think as mothers, we all have skeletons in our closets we’d prefer not to come to light, so watching the protagonist come to terms with her past helped me to reframe my own thinking about self-forgiveness. view at momeggreview
#MomeEggReview #DistanceFromFourPoints #Littell #Fiction
Book Review of Forget Russia by L. Bordetsky-Williams Mon Feb 01 2021
Review of historical fiction set in Russia in 1915-1980 posted on Mom Egg Review. view at momeggreview
#MomEEggReview #BookReview #ForgetRussia #Bordetsky-Williams
Book Review: Daddy by Michael Montlack Thu May 13 2021
"Daddy" by Michael Montlack is an exploration of relationships and self. By turns heartbreaking and humorous, Montlack’s writing is accessible without being superficial. view at momeggreview
#MomEEggReview #BookReview #poetry #Gay #Daddy #Montlack
Book Review: Love is Make-Believe by Riham Adly Sat Jul 30 2022
I personally love story collections in the summer—the small bits fit nicely into a busy schedule and the time away from the book allows the words to linger, as I roll them over in my mind. I had heard about Riham Adly’s flash fiction collection, Love is Make-Believe, and jumped at the chance to review it. view at merliterary
#MomEEggReview #LoveIsMakeBelieve #ShortStories #Riham-Adly