Search: "#ShortStories"

Book Review: Love is Make-Believe by Riham Adly Sat Jul 30 2022
I personally love story collections in the summer—the small bits fit nicely into a busy schedule and the time away from the book allows the words to linger, as I roll them over in my mind. I had heard about Riham Adly’s flash fiction collection, Love is Make-Believe, and jumped at the chance to review it. view at merliterary
#MomEEggReview #LoveIsMakeBelieve #ShortStories #Riham-Adly
Review of Lost Girls by Ellen Birkett Morris for Mom Egg Review Fri Nov 12 2021
The seventeen short stories, each between 3-16 pages long, are brief enough to read on a lunch break or during nap time, yet long enough to be rife with tension and often contain a haunting, mournful quality. view at momeggreview
#LostGirls #MomEggReview #Fiction #ShortStories
TBR Tuesday: The Rope Swing by Jonathan Corcoran Tue Oct 08 2019
A searing story collection about a small town and the people who grew up there. read this article
#TBRTuesday #TheRopeSwing #Corcoran #QueerLit #WVWC #ShortStories