Search: "#MomEggReview"

Knock Wood: A Memoir in Essays by Jennifer Militello Mon Jul 22 2019
Knock Wood is a poet’s memoir, filled with rich, beautiful language and metaphor. view at com
#MOmEggReview #BookReview #KnockWood
Author's Note: On Writing Mama, Mama, Only Mama Fri May 31 2019
Author's Note and Excerpt from Mama, Mama, Only Mama view at momeggreview
#MOmEggReview #AuthorsNote #MamaMamaOnlyMama
Review of SQUEAKY WHEELS by Suzanne Kamata on Mom Egg Review Fri May 31 2019
Squeaky Wheels is an interesting multicultural conversation about independence and caretaking, as she takes her daughter and her daughter's wheelchair from Japan to Paris and other points around the world. view at momeggreview
#MomEggReview #BookReview #SqueakyWheels
Book Review of The Missing Girl by Jacqueline Doyle Fri Dec 15 2017
The Missing Girl is comprised of eight separate stories, each only a few pages long. Told from the point of view of perpetrators, victims, and friends of victims, each chapter is a stand-alone story about a girl who was preyed upon by someone known, or unknown. A haunting collection, its prose is clear and direct, with exquisite tension. view at momeggreview
#MomEggReview #BookReview #Doyle #TheMissingGirl
Book Review of 16 Pills by Carley Moore Wed Nov 14 2018
Carley Moore’s essay collection, 16 Pills, is an exploration on what it means to be a single parent, a disabled child, a daughter, a teacher, a sister, a woman. view at momeggreview
#MomEggReview #BookReview #Moore #16Pills #Divorce #SingleParentingWriters
just like february by Deborah Batterman on Mom Egg Review Mon May 13 2019
Deborah Batterman’s novel, just like february, is filled with lyrical prose in this coming of age story. Read my review on Mom Egg Review. view at momeggreview
#MomEggReview #BookReview #JustLikeFebruary #Batterman
Book Review: The Nail in the Tree: Essays on Art, Violence, and Childhood by Carol Ann Davis Sat Feb 29 2020
Haunting and poignant, The Nail in the Tree speaks to the fear and grief of mothers in this time of violence against children. "And the children, understanding better than we, are said to have whispered along a long line one to the other by way of explanation wild animal wild animal wild animal." (pg 4) view at momeggreview
#MomEggReview #BookReview #NailInTheTree #Davis #TupeloPress #SandyHook
Book Review: Grieving: Dispatches from a Wounded Country by Cristina Rivera Garza Mon Aug 17 2020
This book is an act of resistance against the institutional violence of Mexico and the US, and shines a light on the policies that make poor Mexican bodies, especially female bodies, disposable. view at momeggreview
#MomEggReview #Garza #FeministPress #Latinx #Grieving
Book Review: the Witch of Eye: Essays by Kathryn Nuernberger Fri Apr 02 2021
The stories of witches truly are the stories of renegade women, and, it turns out, the history of systematic and sanctioned abuse of marginalized people by those in power. view at momeggreview
#MomeggReview #essays #WitchOfEye
Book Review: We Are Bridges Wed Oct 06 2021
My review of the speculative memoir, "We Are Bridges" by Cassandra Lane, our now with Feminist Press view at momeggreview
#MomEggReview #BookReview #WeAreBridges #SpeculativeMemoir #Race #Lynching
Book Review: Kneel Said the Night by Margo Berdeshevsky Mon Dec 19 2022
Here, the females are not helpless, not in need of a woodsman’s rescue or a cautionary moral, rather they exalt in their naked skin and power view at merliterary
#momeggreview #KneelSaidTheKnight
Review of RADIATION DIARIES by Janet Todd Tue Jan 15 2019
Radiation Diaries is a memoir written as a diary with daily dated entries detailing Todd’s seven weeks of radiotherapy for pelvic cancers. Read my full review on Mom Egg Review. view at momeggreview
#BookReview #MomEggReview #RadiationDiaries #Cancer #JanetTodd
Book Review: Object Lesson: A Guide to Writing Poetry by Jennifer Jean Sat Jul 10 2021
This book helped me to break down poetry and really understand how it worked, and then apply it to my own writing. view at momeggreview
#ObjectLesson #MomEggReview #BookReview #CraftBook
Review of Lost Girls by Ellen Birkett Morris for Mom Egg Review Fri Nov 12 2021
The seventeen short stories, each between 3-16 pages long, are brief enough to read on a lunch break or during nap time, yet long enough to be rife with tension and often contain a haunting, mournful quality. view at momeggreview
#LostGirls #MomEggReview #Fiction #ShortStories
Book Review: XO by Sara Rauch Tue Jun 21 2022
The story of a bisexual woman’s search for love is not a common one, particularly those of us who are “straight-passing,” that is, in a long term relationship with a male partner. view at merliterary
#XO #MomEggReview
Book Review: Have You Seen CindySleigh? & Other Stories by Diane Stiglich Wed Aug 30 2017
This book is a dream-like art-come-to-life world, where there are truths that are as immutable in this reality as in the one on the page, and stumbling across these truths is as if we find something solid to hold onto—grasping a rock after clawing at clouds. view at momeggreview
#BookReview #MagicalRealism #MomEggReview #CindySleigh
Girlish Review on Mom Egg Review Mon Jul 23 2018
Review by Lisa C. Taylor view at momeggreview
#Girlish #Review #MomEggReview
TBR Tuesday: Gray is the New Black by Dorothy Rice Tue Aug 20 2019
Review on Mom Egg Review. Rice discusses being a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother and wife with an unflinchingly honest and unquestionably relatable pen. Although I’m more than a decade her junior, I saw myself on the page over and over—often painfully so. view at momeggreview
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #GrayIsTheNewBlack #DorothyRice #MomEggReview