Search: "#WritingTips"

The Edit Letter and Other Obsessions Tue Feb 27 2018
I spent months dreading my edit letter. One thing I excel at in particular is imagining the worst possible outcome in any situation, and then obsessing over it at two in the morning. view at thedebutanteball
#WritingTips #Girlish #Anxiety
Publishing a Book is Like Riding a Bicycle, and the Crashes are Inevitable Tue Mar 13 2018
I’ve had several writers tell me some version of, “I could never deal with people rejecting my book, so I’m going to self-publish.” I’m here to tell you that is the wrong decision. view at manhattanbookreview
#WritingTips #ManhattanBookReview
Beyond Revision—Weirding Up Your Writing Tue Apr 03 2018
What do you do when you’ve written and rewritten a piece, and it still falls flat? Some approaches to re-vision an essay that is refusing to cooperate. view at booksbywomen
#WomenWriters #WritingTips #Revision #WeirdingItUp