Search: "#HippoCamp"

I will be moderating the panel “Oh you WRITE? That’s interesting!”: A Panel on Writing While Parenting, leading the session Lightening the Load, and co-leading Hybrid Truth: From Mongrel Essays to Comics Poetry. view at hippocamp2019
#HippoCamp #SpeakerPreview
A Recap of my HippoCamp Joint Presentation with Amy Fish, Written by Dorothy Rice Tue Sep 28 2021
Amy Fish and I led a session at HippoCamp 2021 called "Powering Through the Post-Publication Doldrums" and Dorothy Rice was kind enough to write a recap for anyone who missed it. view at hippocampusmagazine
#HippoCamp #SpeakerRecap #DorothyRice
My First Time Speaking at a Writer’s Conference: My Takeaways from HippoCamp17 Mon Sep 11 2017
Being a speaker shift my mindset from, “talking to people is terribly scary,” to “I am a professional and I have a responsibility to do the talking thing.” read this article
#Writing #HippoCamp #Presenting
Anthology Released (And I'm In It!) Getting to the Truth: The Craft and Practice of Creative Nonfiction Tue Sep 28 2021
I'm very excited to have a craft essay in "Getting to the Truth" a how-to write creative nonfiction craft anthology inspired by HippoCamp: A Conference for Creative Nonfiction Writers, published by Hippocampus Magazine and Books. My essay is about my favorite topic: The Strange, Excellent Beauty of Hybrid Nonfiction. view at books
#GettingToTheTruth #HippoCamp #CraftEssay #Anthology
TBR Tuesdays: Interview with Lisa Romeo, Author of STARTING WITH GOODBYE Tue Sep 11 2018
It's TBR Tuesday, when I suggest a book to add to your To Be Read pile. This week's book is STARTING WITH GOODBYE by Lisa Romeo read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #LisaRomeo #HippoCamp
TBR Tuesdays Interview with Athena Dixon, Author of NO GOD IN THIS ROOM Tue Oct 02 2018
I’m pleased to introduce you to Athena Dixon, writer, editor, and all around wonderful human.  Her poetry chapbook NO GOD IN THIS ROOM is just out with Argus House Press. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #AuthorInterview #AthenaDixon #Poetry #HippoCamp #EmbraceTheWritingLife
TBR Tuesdays Interview with Krystal Sital, author of SECRETS WE KEPT Tue Sep 25 2018
From the moment I picked up Secrets We Kept: Three Women of Trinidad, I was enthralled with the beauty of Sital's prose. The narrative is gripping, but the art  with which she strings words together is simply gorgegous. I'm pleased to introduce you to her book, and to Krystal herself through this virtual interview.   read this article
#TBRTuesdays #AuthorInterview #KrystalSital #Memoir #HippoCamp #EmbraceTheWritingLife