Search: "#Only Mama"

I Tossed My Pants, and I Liked It Wed Dec 07 2016
One of my favorite blogs from the only-mama blog years, circa 2013. view at blogher
#humor #only-mama
Boys Are Useful In Unexpected Ways (and I have a water feature) Fri Aug 16 2013
Sometimes kids are handy to have around. I don't mean because they fill your heart with joy or keep you young, or teach you patience. Sometimes they are down right useful. read this article
#Parenting #Only-Mama #RaisingBoys
Update on MAMA, MAMA, ONLY MAMA Sat Jan 19 2019
All the news that's fit to print and should probably be sent in a newsletter sooner or later. read this article
Mama, Mama, Only Mama made it to the Best Single Parents Books of All Time Tue Jul 16 2024
read this article
Mama, Look at Me Mon Jan 16 2017
My body is there with my children, but my mind is full of my own things: who needs to be where, when, and what needs to happen in order for that to occur, what I can cook for dinner that everyone will eat without complaining, a half-thought I want to remember to write down and expand into an essay. I look at him but don’t watch him closely. read this article
#parenting #mothers #LookAtMe #HuffPost
Read a Review of Mama, Mama, Only Mama at Online Bookclub Mon May 27 2019
"Mama, Mama, Only Mama's greatest strength is Lillibridge's comedic storytelling." view at forums
#Reviews #MamaMamaOnlyMama OnlineBookClub
Release Day Thoughts Tue May 07 2019
Today "Mama, Mama, Only Mama" comes out into the world! read this article
#MMMOMreleaseDay #MamaMamaOnlyMama #ReleaseDay #Blog
Mama, Mama, Only Mama made it to the Best New Parenting eBooks! Fri Nov 08 2019
As featured on CNN, Forbes, and Inc – BookAuthority identifies and rates the best books in the world, based on public mentions, recommendations, ratings and sentiment. read this article
#MMOM #MamaMamaOnlyMama #Awards #Top10
Author's Note: On Writing Mama, Mama, Only Mama Fri May 31 2019
Author's Note and Excerpt from Mama, Mama, Only Mama view at momeggreview
#MOmEggReview #AuthorsNote #MamaMamaOnlyMama
Listen to Lara Lillibridge discuss Mama, Mama, Only Mama with Charlene Jones Mon Jun 17 2019
Listen to Lara Lillibridge discuss Mama, Mama, Only Mama with Charlene Jones on the Soul Sciences podcast view at soulsciences2019
#SoulSciences #Podcast #MamaMamaOnlyMama
Mama, Mama, Only Mama! Lara Lillibridge Discusses Book 2 Tue Jul 31 2018
Being a single mother means finding out you are stronger than you ever knew was possible. view at thedebutanteball
#DebutanteBall #Book2 #OnlyMama
Book Review: Mama, Mama, Only Mama: A Single Mom on Parenting, Divorce, Dating, and Cooking, with Heavy Doses of Humor and Advice Wed Jun 05 2019
It’s funny, real, and while it applies most to single moms and dating it has so much for any mom to relate to. view at smroffey
#MamaMamaOnlyMama #Review #SMRoffey
Mama, Are You Wearing Pants? Wed Sep 06 2017
I remind myself that I was embarrassed about my mother at his age. Not that there was anything wrong with my mother—I loved her dearly and she always wore pants outside of the house. read this article
#Parenting #Insecurity #standingOut #PantsAreRequired
In Which I Plan My Child’s Future, Because I’m The One Driving Mon Apr 22 2019
Here is another chapter that didn’t make the final revision of Mama, Mama, Only Mama. read this article
#MamaMamaOnlyMama #CutChapters #MarchingBand
Kirkus Review of Mama, Mama, Only Mama Wed May 15 2019
"A frank and valuable remembrance, and a good coping manual for parents." Kirkus Reviews view at kirkusreviews
#MamaMamaOnlyMama #Kirkus
The Talk and the Book Mon Mar 16 2015
I realized I was about to lose control over the flow of information - if they decided Mama was an unreliable source of truth, they would start asking other people instead. I figured a couple good books were the way to go. read this article
#parenting #OnlyMama #SexEd #Fail #ComprehensiveSexualityEducation
Feminist Mama Manifesto Thu Oct 02 2014
I wanted to be a prostitute for Halloween. My mother wouldn’t let me. I wanted to be a cheerleader. My mother wouldn’t let me. My mother only allowed gender neutral toys to cross my path until I wrapped up a bag of kitty litter in my blanket and rocked to it and sang it lullabies. Then she gave in. view at huffingtonpost
#huffPost #feminism
Bonus Material! The Nostalgia of Children's TV Theme Songs Mon Apr 08 2019
In the weeks leading up to Mama, Mama, Only Mama's release, I am going to share some of my beloved chapters that didn't make the final book. Here's the first. read this article
#Divorce BonusMaterial #TVthemeSongs
World's Simplest Beer Bread Sun Mar 15 2020
In this time of home confinement and empty stores, I thought I'd share some of my minimalist recipes from MAMA MAMA ONLY MAMA. This week: World's Simplest Beer Bread. (Only 3 ingredients) read this article
#MamaMamaOnlyMama #BeerBread #OverSimplifiedRecipies #BakingForThe Apocalypse
Special Very Exciting Announcement Sun Jun 24 2018
My next big thing. You don't want to miss it. It's so awesome I grew 3 pimples in celebration. read this article
#OnlyMama #BookRelease
Cooking for Quarantine: Instant Oatmeal Cookies Wed Mar 18 2020
If your grocery shelves are bare, don't worry. I can make a cookie out of anything. read this article
#MamaMamaOnlyMama #OatmeakCookies #OverSimplifiedRecipies #BakingForThe Apocalypse
Author's Hour Reading at Chautauqua Institution Wed Aug 25 2021
A reading from Girlish and Mama, Mama, Only Mama view at youtube
#Reading #parenting #Chautauqua #Girlish #OnlyMama
Exclusive Excerpt on Modern Parents Messy Kids: Negotiating with Spiders Tue Apr 16 2019
Read an excerpt of MAMA, MAMA, ONLY MAMA before it comes out! view at modernparentsmessykids
#MamaMamaOnlyMama #ModernParentsMessyKids #Spiders
Linda’s Book Obsession Interviews Lara Lillibridge Tue Apr 23 2019
An Interview with Lara Lillibridge, Author of “Mama, Mama, Only Mama” view at lindasbookobsession
#MamaMamaOnlyMama #LindasBookObsession #Interview
Reading: Step Stools Wed May 01 2019
Listen to me read "Step Stools," the first chapter of Mama, Mama, Only Mama. view at youtube
#YouTube #MamaMamaOnlyMama #AceBoggess #Stepstools
Meet Our Memoirists Interview on Moving Forewords Wed May 08 2019
Melanie Brooks interviews me about writing and the release of Mama, Mama, Only, Mama for the memoirist collective, Moving Forewords. view at youtube
#MovingForewords #MeetTheMemoirists
About me Sat Oct 23 2021
Lara Lillibridge's Bio read this article
Tiny Pants' First Birthday Wed Mar 13 2019
Ten years ago I was a newly-single mama who needed to somehow pull off a 1st Birthday party. Luckily I had friends to help. read this article
#FirstBirthday #OnlyMama #SingleParenting #Friends
On Feminism: But I Like Being a Girl Tue Dec 23 2014
I sent my half-sister a link to my Feminist Mama Manifesto, which I posted a few weeks ago and her response was, “I’m proud of you, but I like being a girl.” view at huffingtonpost
#HuffPost #feminism
Tiny Pants Makes a Travel Brochure Mon Dec 07 2015
Tiny Pants had to make a travel brochure for school this weekend. It was supposed to be about his home town, but it did allow for “any other place” or something. Tiny chose West Virginia. read this article
#Parenting #onlyMama #HomeworkFail
The Joy of Losing Wed May 14 2014
It's baseball season again. Because I have more enthusiasm than self-preservation, I signed Big Pants up for travel baseball. Because, yay, baseball! read this article
#OnlyMama #sports
TBR Tuesday Review: Single-Minded by Lisa Daily Tue Jan 08 2019
This week's suggestion for your To Be Read list is SINGLE-MINDED by Lisa Daily, a hysterical romance featuring a divorced protagonist. read this article
#Romance #Single-Minded #LisaDaily #Divorce
Tiny Pants Makes an Unexpected Request For Christmas Fri Dec 04 2015
Last year, Tiny Pants was seven and wanted an unusual item for Christmas. Lord knows what is in store for me this year. read this article
#parenting #humor #OnlyMama
My Child Has Been Eaten by Aliens Mon Nov 24 2014
My kid has obviously been eaten by an alien and replaced with a really convincing replica. Nothing else makes sense. I didn't notice anything unusual until Friday. The new boy looked just like Big Pants. He sounded like Big Pants. He even fought with his brother and pouted just like Big Pants. read this article
#humor #parenting #OnlyMama
Defying the Manifesto Wed Feb 06 2013
As a child I made mental notes of all the ways I thought my parents or teachers were screwing up and vowed never to do those things when I got to reign superior over children of my own. As an adult, I have gained an understanding about a lot of things my mother did or didn't do, and nothing has made me understand her more than having my own kids. read this article
#Parenting #OnlyMama #humor #Fail
Know the Mother by Desiree Cooper Wed Jul 13 2016
There is no better time for flash fiction than the summer. In between corralling children to sporting events, the beach, and various summer destinations, flash or micro fiction gives a respite, like a lick of ice cream. It is easier to deal with repetitive, “Mama, look at me!” requests when one is still pondering the after-glow of a good story, and each piece’s short duration (1-9 pages each) allows Know the Mother to slide easily into a busy schedule. view at momeggreview
#BookReview #mothers #feminism
1 Minute Reading in Support of AWP's Writer To Writer Program Tue Sep 28 2021
Watch me read a one-minute excerpt from my essay, "The Right Tap." read this article
#AWP #W2W #RightTap
Ernest Hemingway Backstage at his Granddaughter’s First Dance Recital Sat May 13 2017
This was a writing prompt that made me happy. Sometimes it's important to remember that writing is supposed to be fun. read this article
#FlashFiction #Hemingway #ThingsThatAmuseMe
Sometimes Time Spent Not Writing is Necessary Tue Mar 20 2018
For about two years, I couldn’t bring myself to write much of anything besides text messages and Facebook posts. You could say I was journaling, except the receptacle wasn’t a Word file but a cell phone, and most of the words I wrote were lost as I broke cell phone after cell phone—a total of six in my first year as a single mama. view at thedebutanteball
#DebutanteBall #WritingLife #NotWriting
It's Not About Winning-it's Just My Turn Thu Nov 24 2016
Happy Thanksgiving, and if you are a single parent, remember you get to make the rules, and you no longer have to be nice to your ex-in-laws unless you want to. read this article
#Thanksgiving #Divorce #ParentingAfterDivorce
When it Comes to Blood-Sucking Parasites, I’ll Take all the Hope I can Get Fri Jan 06 2017
I tend to think I am an intelligent person who does not fall easy prey to snake oil sales pitches, but when it comes to lice, all rational thought goes out the window read this article
#Lice #Parenting
Faking It Mon Apr 10 2017
When it comes to being a “pants on fire” variety liar, reputation helps. read this article
#PlayingSick #Parenting #SinsOfTheMother
The Tooth Fairy Got Played Sun Jan 25 2015
I try to be a good Tooth Fairy. read this article
#parenting #Toothfairy #OnlyMama
In Which I Receive The Infamous Email from the Health Teacher Mon Feb 20 2017
I have been dreading the school notification for over a year.  You know, the one that says something about how we will be having a health class just for boys and another one just for girls. Sex Ed, middle school style. read this article
#ComprehensiveSexualityEducation #TheTalk #AwkwardParenting
The Tooth Fairy Fell Asleep Sat Jan 19 2013
Yesterday Big Pants lost his 3rd tooth. I didn't see it happen (I was in the bathroom) but it involved couch wrestling and a blanket and his brother and then the tooth was out. read this article
#Parenting #Tweens #Toothfairy #HuffPost #OnlyMama
Bonus Material: Barely Recognizable Animals + Sewing Pattern for Monkey Spaceman Looking Thing Thu May 02 2019
I used to make the children Barely Recognizable Animals every week. Sometimes I used a pattern and then they were Actually Recognizable but mostly I didn't and they weren't. Plus, here's a fabulous sewing pattern to make your own barely recognizable animal! read this article
#MamaMamaOnlyMama #CutChapters #SewingPattern #BarelyRecognizableAnimals
Irreverent Instructions for Making Bird Seed Ornaments Fri Nov 16 2018
As a parent, I both love and loathe doing crafts with my children. I want them to make stuff. I just don’t have anywhere left to put the stuff they make, and my kids don’t want to get rid of anything, ever. This conundrum was solved with the Birdseed Ornament we made with our moms year after year. read this article
#OnlyMama #NatureCrafts #How-To #How-Not-To #Humor #HomemadeHoliday #decorations
On Cleaning: Oh, Mom, I Get It Now Tue Jun 20 2017
I understand why my mother gave up. read this article
#parentingFail #cleaning
Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Different, Different, Different Thu Oct 31 2013
My first ex-mother-in-law had six kids: three girls in a row, followed by three boys in a row. "They come as they come," she used to always say, meaning that their inherent personality was fixed and unchangeable from birth. read this article
#brothers #parenting #OnlyMama
The Clash of The Headache Diet and The Slacker Mom Tue Jan 03 2017
Unfortunately, I was reminded by how much my version of healthy eating misses the mark when the doctor put my son on the “headache diet” for his Chronic Daily Headaches. read this article
#healthyEating #Slackermom
TBR Tuesday Review + GIVEAWAY: SECRETS OF HOPELIGHT by Eva Blackstone Tue Oct 23 2018
Review of upper middle grade novel and giveaway. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #SugPieStories #SecretofHopeLight
TBR Tuesday: Motherhood So White by Nefertiti Austin Tue Sep 24 2019
I was lucky to read an advance copy of Motherhood So White on Net Galley, and I've been waiting months for it to finally come to bookstores so I can rave about it.  read this article
#TBRTuesday #MotherhoodSoWhite #Austin #Sourcebooks #WOC #Mothering #Adoption
TBR Tuesday: GIVEAWAY for The Space Between Lost and Found by Sandy Stark-McGinnis Tue Apr 28 2020
The Space Between Lost and Found is a rich tale with vivid, well-fleshed out characters. Read more for a chance to win one copy. read this article
#MG #Stark-McGinnis #SpaceBetweenLostandFound #Bloomsbury #Giveaway
Card Night Sat Apr 01 2017
We played cards, using nails instead of pennies to place our bets. We called the box of nails “our nail collection” as if it were something special, searched for, and discovered like jewels from a sunken pirate ship.  In the one-pound box of nails—galvanized, roofing—there were two we most coveted: one stubby runt-nail, and one extra-long one. I think we all like the shortest nail best. read this article
#smallMoments #parenting #lessons
Desperation Reading Sat Aug 19 2017
Desperation reading often leads us down unexpected paths and exposes us to genres we don’t think appeal to us. read this article
#reading #parenting
Review and Giveaway for BY THE FORCES OF GRAVITY by Rebecca Fish Ewan Tue Oct 30 2018
Written in free verse accompanied by hand drawn illustrations, BY THE FORCES OF GRAVITY offers us a different concept of memoir itself.   read this article
#BookReview #Giveaway #RebeccaFishEwan #ByTheForcesOfGravity
TBR Tuesday: Love Lives Here: A Story of Thriving in a Transgender Family by Amanda Jette Knox Tue Jul 30 2019
My review of new release memoir, "Love Lives Here," by Amanda Jette Knox. read this article
#TransgenderFamilies #Memoir #NewRelease
TBR Tuesday: A Feminist Giveaway for my Birthday! Tue Sep 10 2019
Since it's my birthday week, one lucky reader gets a present. Two presents, actually. read this article
#TBRTuesday #FeministGiveaway #Birthday #NotWives #New EroticiaForFeminists
I Don't Get a Break From My Kids Tue Jul 11 2017
I don’t really enjoy my kids being gone, particularly on ten-day vacations, like they are this week. read this article
#SingleParenting #vacations #loneliness
BOOK REVIEW + GIVEAWAY for My Mother Says Drums Are For Boys Tue Sep 04 2018
Welcome to TBR Tuesdays, where I suggest books to add to your To Be Read pile. This week's selection is: My Mother Says Drums Are For Boys: True Stories for Gender Rebels by Rae Theodore. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #RaeTheodore #Giveaway #Rafflecopter #LGBTQIA #ButchPride
It's a Massive Queerspawn Giveaway! Tue Apr 16 2019
2  books with lesbian mothers.  2 books with gay fathers.   4 radically different experiences.  1 massive giveaway! read this article
#Queerspawn #Giveaway #4books #QueerspawnGiveaway2019
TBR Tuesday Review: I WANTED FRIES WITH THAT by Amy Fish and GIVEAWAY Tue Aug 13 2019
My dear friend Amy Fish has a book coming out this fall and I’ve taken it upon myself to become a one-person evangelist for it, so to whet your appetite I not only reviewed it early but am running a giveaway for her first book, The Art of Complaining Effectively. read this article
#AmyFish #IWantedFriesWithThat #Giveaway
Interview with Peter Bunzl, author of SKYCIRCUS + GIVEAWAY Tue Feb 11 2020
Read my interview with middle grade fantasy author Peter Bunzl and enter our 3 book giveaway. read this article
#SkyCircus #AuthorInterview #MG #Fantasy #Giveaway
TBR Tuesday Review + GIVEAWAY: THE PERFECT ASSASSIN by KA Doore Tue Mar 19 2019
Today is the release day of The Perfect Assassin (The Chronicles of Ghadid #1) by K.A. Doore! To celebrate, we’re offering up a free copy to one lucky reader! read this article
#BookReview#PerfectAssassin #KADoore #DebBall #LGBTQIA #QueerLit
TBR Tuesday: Interview with Meghan Scott Molin and Giveaway for THE FRAME UP Tue Dec 18 2018
In sum, Meghan Scott Molin has given us a tight--dare I say zany--caper peopled with the kind of characters I'd love to hang out with IRL.  If you enjoyed Janet Evanovitch's Stephanie Plum series, you'll love THE FRAME UP. read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #interview #Giveaway #GeekGirl #Mystery
TBR Tuesday: Giveaway for THE DREAM PEDDLER and Interview with Martine Fournier Watson Tue Apr 09 2019
Today is the release day of THE DREAM PEDDLER which Rene Denfeld, bestselling author of The Child Finder described as, “Astonishing . . . Explores the vast underground legacy of our own desires. This is the must-read book of the year.” We’re giving away a copy to one lucky reader! read this article
#DebBall #MartineWatson #DreamPeddler #BookReview #Giveaway