Search: "#ParentingAfterDivorce"

The Ethical Dilemma of Finding Desiccated Lizards Sun Nov 26 2017
Perhaps my desire to transport dehydrated carcasses across state lines is not as much a reflection of my weirdness as it is a reaction to the normality of my ex-husband. read this article
#ParentingAfterDivorce #WeirdParenting #Lizards
It's Not About Winning-it's Just My Turn Thu Nov 24 2016
Happy Thanksgiving, and if you are a single parent, remember you get to make the rules, and you no longer have to be nice to your ex-in-laws unless you want to. read this article
#Thanksgiving #Divorce #ParentingAfterDivorce
Two-House Christmas Mon Dec 25 2017
Sometimes people tell our kids, ā€œIā€™m sorry your parents are divorced,ā€ or other such sympathetic comments. But not today. view at huffingtonpost
#SharedParenting #Christmas #ParentingAfterDivorce #TwoHouse
The Chaos is Proof That we Are Winning At The Family Blender Fri Nov 18 2016
All of today's confusion and turmoil is indicative of what a stable family-unit we have become. view at blogher
#BlendedFamilies #chaos #parentingAfterDivorce