Search: "#Mothering"

Tiaras Are Wasted on the Young Wed Feb 06 2019
I don’t want to be a bride. I just want to wear a tiara. read this article
#OnlyMama #Tiaras #Mothering #Aging
Writing Prompt: Homage Mon Jun 03 2019
I was going through old residency notes from my MFA and found this poem I wrote, and I actually don't write poems, but I like it. read this article
#Poetry #Feminist #Mothering
Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate Tue Feb 04 2020
A response to an email from my son's school. view at brevitymag
#ALICE #Brevity #essay #Mothering
Mothering and Fear Fri Sep 28 2018
We know there likely will be at least one moment of physical danger that they may or may not evade. A shove. A punch. A horde of children intent on inflicting pain. I hope my boys learn the snappy comeback, find an alternative exit.  read this article
#FreeWriteFriday #fear #Violence #Mothering
Breaking the Taboo: Writing When Your Kids Are Old Enough to Read Wed Jan 23 2019
“The internet goes dark when children reach ten or twelve,” my workshop leader explained. That's almost exactly the ages my kids are now. view at movingforewords
#MovingForewords #Craft #WritingasaMother #mothering
TBR Tuesday: Motherhood So White by Nefertiti Austin Tue Sep 24 2019
I was lucky to read an advance copy of Motherhood So White on Net Galley, and I've been waiting months for it to finally come to bookstores so I can rave about it.  read this article
#TBRTuesday #MotherhoodSoWhite #Austin #Sourcebooks #WOC #Mothering #Adoption