Search: "#MovingForewords"

Breaking the Taboo: Writing When Your Kids Are Old Enough to Read Wed Jan 23 2019
“The internet goes dark when children reach ten or twelve,” my workshop leader explained. That's almost exactly the ages my kids are now. view at movingforewords
#MovingForewords #Craft #WritingasaMother #mothering
Meet Our Memoirists Interview on Moving Forewords Wed May 08 2019
Melanie Brooks interviews me about writing and the release of Mama, Mama, Only, Mama for the memoirist collective, Moving Forewords. view at youtube
#MovingForewords #MeetTheMemoirists
TBR Tuesday Review: I AM YOURS by Reema Zaman Tue Feb 05 2019
Today's suggestion for your To Be Read pile is I am Yours by Reema Zaman, released today, February 5, 2019. This stunning debut memoir is unlike anything I've read before.  read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #IamYours #ReemaZaman #MovingForewords #Memoir