Search: "#onlyMama"

Special Very Exciting Announcement Sun Jun 24 2018
My next big thing. You don't want to miss it. It's so awesome I grew 3 pimples in celebration. read this article
#OnlyMama #BookRelease
Tiaras Are Wasted on the Young Wed Feb 06 2019
I don’t want to be a bride. I just want to wear a tiara. read this article
#OnlyMama #Tiaras #Mothering #Aging
Irreverent Instructions for Making Bird Seed Ornaments Fri Nov 16 2018
As a parent, I both love and loathe doing crafts with my children. I want them to make stuff. I just don’t have anywhere left to put the stuff they make, and my kids don’t want to get rid of anything, ever. This conundrum was solved with the Birdseed Ornament we made with our moms year after year. read this article
#OnlyMama #NatureCrafts #How-To #How-Not-To #Humor #HomemadeHoliday #decorations
The Joy of Losing Wed May 14 2014
It's baseball season again. Because I have more enthusiasm than self-preservation, I signed Big Pants up for travel baseball. Because, yay, baseball! read this article
#OnlyMama #sports
Tiny Pants' First Birthday Wed Mar 13 2019
Ten years ago I was a newly-single mama who needed to somehow pull off a 1st Birthday party. Luckily I had friends to help. read this article
#FirstBirthday #OnlyMama #SingleParenting #Friends
Tiny Pants Makes a Travel Brochure Mon Dec 07 2015
Tiny Pants had to make a travel brochure for school this weekend. It was supposed to be about his home town, but it did allow for “any other place” or something. Tiny chose West Virginia. read this article
#Parenting #onlyMama #HomeworkFail
The Talk and the Book Mon Mar 16 2015
I realized I was about to lose control over the flow of information - if they decided Mama was an unreliable source of truth, they would start asking other people instead. I figured a couple good books were the way to go. read this article
#parenting #OnlyMama #SexEd #Fail #ComprehensiveSexualityEducation
The Tiger's Last Gleaming Mon Mar 04 2013
Tiny Pants has fallen in love with America. He declares every day is "America Day" and sings the National Anthem with his small hand over his heart. read this article
#Parenting #OnlyMama #Singing
I Want to be More Outrageous Mon Oct 21 2013
Being a little crazy is better than being a little boring, even if it is not as safe. read this article
#parenting #OnlyMama #carpeLemur
Defying the Manifesto Wed Feb 06 2013
As a child I made mental notes of all the ways I thought my parents or teachers were screwing up and vowed never to do those things when I got to reign superior over children of my own. As an adult, I have gained an understanding about a lot of things my mother did or didn't do, and nothing has made me understand her more than having my own kids. read this article
#Parenting #OnlyMama #humor #Fail
How I became a Hockey Mom against my Better Judgement Thu May 24 2018
I hadn’t intended on becoming a hockey mother. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #Hockey #OnlyMama
Mama, Mama, Only Mama! Lara Lillibridge Discusses Book 2 Tue Jul 31 2018
Being a single mother means finding out you are stronger than you ever knew was possible. view at thedebutanteball
#DebutanteBall #Book2 #OnlyMama
The Diorama That Led to Despair Fri Jan 31 2014
I have been waiting for years to get to make another diorama. As a kid, there was nothing cooler than building a little scene in a shoebox. Perhaps I would have become a Rhode Scholar if I could have continued building dioramas in high school and college, but when they were replaced by projects involving diagrams and essays a little part of me died and I have been mourning the Death of the Diorama and my enthusiasm for learning ever since. read this article
#humor #parenting #OnlyMama
Tiny Pants Makes an Unexpected Request For Christmas Fri Dec 04 2015
Last year, Tiny Pants was seven and wanted an unusual item for Christmas. Lord knows what is in store for me this year. read this article
#parenting #humor #OnlyMama
The Tooth Fairy Got Played Sun Jan 25 2015
I try to be a good Tooth Fairy. read this article
#parenting #Toothfairy #OnlyMama
Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Different, Different, Different Thu Oct 31 2013
My first ex-mother-in-law had six kids: three girls in a row, followed by three boys in a row. "They come as they come," she used to always say, meaning that their inherent personality was fixed and unchangeable from birth. read this article
#brothers #parenting #OnlyMama
My Child Has Been Eaten by Aliens Mon Nov 24 2014
My kid has obviously been eaten by an alien and replaced with a really convincing replica. Nothing else makes sense. I didn't notice anything unusual until Friday. The new boy looked just like Big Pants. He sounded like Big Pants. He even fought with his brother and pouted just like Big Pants. read this article
#humor #parenting #OnlyMama
Should You Send Your Ex A Father’s Day Card? Tue Jun 05 2018
Kids aren’t the only people to give Fathers cards. Wives give them to their husbands, too. In perusing Father’s Day cards, I found several themes that I could relate to… view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #Father'sDay #OnlyMama
Author's Hour Reading at Chautauqua Institution Wed Aug 25 2021
A reading from Girlish and Mama, Mama, Only Mama view at youtube
#Reading #parenting #Chautauqua #Girlish #OnlyMama
The Tooth Fairy Fell Asleep Sat Jan 19 2013
Yesterday Big Pants lost his 3rd tooth. I didn't see it happen (I was in the bathroom) but it involved couch wrestling and a blanket and his brother and then the tooth was out. read this article
#Parenting #Tweens #Toothfairy #HuffPost #OnlyMama