Search: "#Self care"

My Christmas Gift to Myself Wed Dec 26 2018
I’m not much for New Year’s resolutions, but every year since high school—ok, most years—I’ve done what I call “A Christmas Gift to Myself” every Dec. 26th.   read this article
#Self-care #EmbraceTheWritingLife
Opposite Optimism: Life is Too Long Tue Nov 22 2016
Life is sometimes harder than it needs to be. I understand. We deserve to feel like life really is too short. Until then, though, I’m sticking with the opposite of optimism as a means of inspiration. read this article
#depression #self-help #sadness
6 Ideas for Self Care with GIFs and a Pony Tue Feb 06 2018
Life is stressful. Here's how I'm surviving. view at thedebutanteball
#selfCare #DebutanteBall
On Medium: Mass Shootings are Nothing New — We Just Now Care About the Victims Sun Aug 04 2019
It's time to change the conversation. view at medium
#GunViolence #WhiteViolence #MassShootings
The Flying Confessional Wed Nov 04 2015
I fly a lot. Not, perhaps, as much as a flight attendant or member of congress, but probably more than a lot of people. I will take any opportunity to jump on a plane, and I don't even particularly care where I am going. It's not that I have any deep-seeded wanderlust; I really don't care all that much about seeing foreign countries or having multi-cultural experiences. I just love to fly. view at airplanereading
#essay #travel
Why Can’t The Kids Sleep In Their Clothes? Mon Apr 16 2018
I see no reason why I can’t bask in the care-free freedom that dressing my children at night affords me, at least until they hit puberty and get stinky. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #Sleep
When Hate Crimes Hit Close to Home Tue Mar 07 2017
I clicked through a photo gallery of vandalism at the Waad Hakolel Cemetery, where my great-grandparents, aunts, and uncles are buried. Toppled graves, defaced photos on headstones. Defaced sounds clinical, but here it is an exact word—care was taken to destroy only the faces on the mounted photos. There is no chance that such damage occurred from weather or settling earth. view at huffingtonpost
#Huffpost #HateCrimes #Jewish
I Hide Things from my Cat and it Goes Poorly Thu Feb 02 2017
Lately, in an effort to out-sneak the cat, I have delayed bringing my suitcase downstairs until the last possible moment. It works perfectly, most of the time. Except I am still me, , by which I mean flighty and easily distractible. read this article
#CatsHateRoadTrips #Autocorrect #TravelFail
Freudian Lawn Job Mon May 29 2017
I feel like there is a great metaphor in here somewhere—a reason for my purely accidental yet consistent egregious behavior. read this article
#Freud #Divorce
TBR Tuesday: Waters Run Wild by Andrea Fekete + Inverview Tue Nov 27 2018
Historical literary fiction that will break your heart with its beauty. read this article
#BookReview #AuthorInterview #WatersRunWild #Fekete
TBR Tuesday: Motherhood So White by Nefertiti Austin Tue Sep 24 2019
I was lucky to read an advance copy of Motherhood So White on Net Galley, and I've been waiting months for it to finally come to bookstores so I can rave about it.  read this article
#TBRTuesday #MotherhoodSoWhite #Austin #Sourcebooks #WOC #Mothering #Adoption
TBR Tuesday: Redwood and Ponytail by KA Holt Tue Oct 01 2019
This week's recommendation is an upper Middle-Grade novel in verse featuring a cheerleader and a volleyball player. read this article
#MG #Queer #RedwoodandPonytail #TBRTuesday #Lesbian #NewRelease
Mama, Look at Me Mon Jan 16 2017
My body is there with my children, but my mind is full of my own things: who needs to be where, when, and what needs to happen in order for that to occur, what I can cook for dinner that everyone will eat without complaining, a half-thought I want to remember to write down and expand into an essay. I look at him but don’t watch him closely. read this article
#parenting #mothers #LookAtMe #HuffPost
Underwear Regrets Tue May 02 2017
This is one of the first flash essays I ever wrote. I still like it. read this article
#essays #father #underwear
This is a Lie I've Told Before Thu Sep 20 2018
It's Writing Prompt Wednesday! Prompt from Abigail Thomas read this article
#WritingPromptWednesday #ThisIsaLie #embracethewritinglife
TBR Tuesday Review: The Uncomfortable Confessions of a Preacher's Kid by Ronna Russell Tue Mar 05 2019
read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #RonnaRussell #Uncomfortable Confessions #Queerspawn
My First Time Speaking at a Writer’s Conference: My Takeaways from HippoCamp17 Mon Sep 11 2017
Being a speaker shift my mindset from, “talking to people is terribly scary,” to “I am a professional and I have a responsibility to do the talking thing.” read this article
#Writing #HippoCamp #Presenting
TBR Tuesdays: Interview with Lisa Romeo, Author of STARTING WITH GOODBYE Tue Sep 11 2018
It's TBR Tuesday, when I suggest a book to add to your To Be Read pile. This week's book is STARTING WITH GOODBYE by Lisa Romeo read this article
#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #LisaRomeo #HippoCamp
Observations on Aging Fri Apr 21 2017
The lessons we carry forward from childhood aren’t from the big discussions, but rather emerge from watching who are parents are in their day-to-day life. read this article
#Aging #mothers #lessons
Clean Vehicle? Is That Even Possible? Wed Aug 02 2017
The Uber/Lfyt driver proved that cleanliness was obtainable, and there was no way, shape or form that I wanted SigO to get that into his head. read this article
#CleaningFail #Humor #Parenting #Cars
Bonus Material! The Nostalgia of Children's TV Theme Songs Mon Apr 08 2019
In the weeks leading up to Mama, Mama, Only Mama's release, I am going to share some of my beloved chapters that didn't make the final book. Here's the first. read this article
#Divorce BonusMaterial #TVthemeSongs
I Faced My Fear And Gained...Not Much Worth Noting Sun Nov 12 2017
I managed to walk across one little rope bridge and then clung to the support beam in utter terror, demanding that the teenaged guide return my children to me before they plummeted to their deaths read this article
#Fear #RopesCourse