Search: "Confessions"

TBR Tuesday Review: The Uncomfortable Confessions of a Preacher's Kid by Ronna Russell Tue Mar 05 2019
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#TBRTuesdays #BookReview #RonnaRussell #Uncomfortable Confessions #Queerspawn
Chocolate Confessions Fri Feb 02 2018
I suspected that Brenda didn’t like Brach’s chocolate as much as she liked the good stuff, but she’d been backed into a corner by an excuse she’d mumbled a few years back and couldn’t undo. read this article
It's a Massive Queerspawn Giveaway! Tue Apr 16 2019
2  books with lesbian mothers.  2 books with gay fathers.   4 radically different experiences.  1 massive giveaway! read this article
#Queerspawn #Giveaway #4books #QueerspawnGiveaway2019