Search: "#Fear"

I Faced My Fear And Gained...Not Much Worth Noting Sun Nov 12 2017
I managed to walk across one little rope bridge and then clung to the support beam in utter terror, demanding that the teenaged guide return my children to me before they plummeted to their deaths read this article
#Fear #RopesCourse
An Essay on Fear Wed Nov 01 2017
It’s not lies I am afraid of as much as the unexplained truths. read this article
#Essays #Fear #Memoir #WriteYourShame
Mothering and Fear Fri Sep 28 2018
We know there likely will be at least one moment of physical danger that they may or may not evade. A shove. A punch. A horde of children intent on inflicting pain. I hope my boys learn the snappy comeback, find an alternative exit.  read this article
#FreeWriteFriday #fear #Violence #Mothering
Just Kiss Mon Nov 14 2016
In response to being asked why so many are protesting this election result and being sore losers. read this article
#silence #notmypresident #fear #essay
A Mother’s Response to the Ft. Lauderdale Airport Shooting Fri Jan 06 2017
Airports were always happy places for me. They contained the expectation of adventure and were filled with people going somewhere, and I was one of those people, too. Every summer, my brother and I boarded a plane in Rochester, NY, and followed a daisy chain of connecting flights to end in Anchorage, Alaska, over 4,000 miles away. view at huffingtonpost
#airports #parenting #fear #flying