Search: "#HippoCampus"

Interview with M. Randal O'Wain for Hippocampus Magazine Tue Dec 10 2019
I sat down with M. Randal O'Wain to discuss his new essay collection, part of the University of Nebraska Press's American Lives series, and as a bonus learned how to rip off a copy store. view at hippocampusmagazine
#AuthorInterview #hippocampus #Owain #MeanderBelt #WVWC #Essay #UofNEPress
Interview with Katie McDougall and Susannah Felts, Co-Founders of The Porch, Nashville’s Literary Center Fri Feb 07 2020
I sat down with the co-founders of The Porch, Nashville's literary center and asked them to explain the who, what, why, and how of creating a literary center. view at bit
#Interview #Hippocampus #ThePorch #LiteraryCenter
INTERVIEW: Nefertiti Austin, Author of Motherhood So White: A Memoir of Race, Gender, and Parenting in America Mon Apr 05 2021
Interview with Nefertiti Austin for Hippocampus Magazine view at hippocampusmagazine
#Interview #Hippocampus #MotherhoodSoWhite #Race #Gender
Hippocampus Magazine Interview with Christine Hyung-Oak Lee, Author of Tell Me Everything Thing You Don’t Remember Sat Jul 10 2021
t’s a wonderful book about so many things—memory, relationships, family, and rebuilding oneself and one’s entire life, with a bonus of learning some science and medical history as well. view at hippocampusmagazine
#Interview #Hippocampus #ChristineLee #Stroke #Memoir
The Right Tap Thu Sep 01 2016
I had forgotten how warm the water is straight out of the faucet in Key West. Open the cold tap, and you’ll get water warm enough to bathe in. The water comes down a pipe one hundred and sixty miles from Miami, solar warm under the hot sun, saturated with dissolved makeup they used to say, or pipe rust or medication probably. I drank it anyway and didn’t mind at all. view at hippocampusmagazine
#Florida #Essay #Divorce #HippoCampus
INTERVIEW: Claudia Putnam, Winner of Split/Lip’s Creative Nonfiction Chapbook Contest Thu Apr 07 2022
Double Negative by Claudia Putnam is the winner of Split/Lip’s 2021 Nonfiction/Hybrid Chapbook Contest. An intense, lyrical essay just under 50 pages, Putnam’s writing is gorgeously wrought. view at hippocampusmagazine
#ClaudiaPutnam #Split-Lip #Chapbook #Hippocampus #Interview