Search: "#modernparentsmessykids"

Parenting Styles: How 10 (or even 5) Minutes of Yoga Made Me a Better Mother Wed Mar 14 2018
I’ve been told by many people that I should learn to meditate. I’m quite sure that meditation would release some of the tension in my shoulders and probably relax some of the wrinkles around my eyes, but that sitting still and emptying your mind thing is not one of my strong suits. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #Yoga
7 Reasons Short Vacations are the Best Mon Jul 22 2019
Here are seven things I love about mini-travel. view at modernparentsmessykids
#modernParentsMessyKids #7reasonsShortVacationsAreTheBest
Why Can’t The Kids Sleep In Their Clothes? Mon Apr 16 2018
I see no reason why I can’t bask in the care-free freedom that dressing my children at night affords me, at least until they hit puberty and get stinky. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #Sleep
My Son is Starting High School as a 12-Year-Old and I’m Not Scared at All Mon Jul 02 2018
OK, maybe I’m a little scared, I can’t lie. But overall, I’m a lot more comfortable with the idea than I ever imagined I would be. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #GradeSkipping #GiftedKids
7 Tips to Teach Kids About Gender Equality Sun Oct 21 2018
I’m historically awkward when it comes to large and important discussions on character development. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #GenderEquality
How I became a Hockey Mom against my Better Judgement Thu May 24 2018
I hadn’t intended on becoming a hockey mother. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #Hockey #OnlyMama
Should You Send Your Ex A Father’s Day Card? Tue Jun 05 2018
Kids aren’t the only people to give Fathers cards. Wives give them to their husbands, too. In perusing Father’s Day cards, I found several themes that I could relate to… view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #Father'sDay #OnlyMama
Parenting Styles: Have I Overdone the Internet Safety Lectures? Mon Aug 27 2018
We have all read the horrific stories of cyber-bullying, and it would destroy me to watch either of my kids being harassed online, or in real life for that matter. We talk about internet safety often—perhaps too much, it turned out. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #InternetSafety
7 Things Your Kids Say You’re Getting Wrong About YouTube Tue Sep 25 2018
My kids rarely watch TV. They get their entertainment from YouTube, and they aren’t the only ones. Dubbed The YouTube Generation, one estimate puts them in league with over one hundred trillion other young people who feel the same way. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #YourTube
The Ultimate Guide on How to Fly with Toddlers When They Outnumber You Sun Dec 23 2018
Remember, it’s just one day. It does not define your parenthood. view at modernparentsmessykids
#MOdernParentsMessyKids #travel #FLyingWithToddlers
My Biggest Birthday Party Success Was Also My Biggest Failure Fri Nov 30 2018
This was going to be the best birthday ever. Turns out, one should never even think those words. view at modernparentsmessykids
#modernParentsMessyKids #BirthdayFail
Stay at Home Parents Deserve Our Own Sticker Charts Thu Jan 17 2019
As a Stay At Home Mother, I did the same tasks over and over and never felt as if I accomplished much of anything. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #SAHM #StickerCharts
The Best Thing I Did For My Mental Health Was Relax My Cleaning Standards. A Lot. Fri Mar 08 2019
thought I was being wise by installing carpeting that matched the dog. Then my baby started crawling, and vacuuming became important. Really important. I was in over my head. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #Cleaning
5 Words for When Your Child Struggles Academically Tue Apr 09 2019
I’m not going to sit by and watch my kid fail. But, let’s be honest, he is the one who has to actually do the work. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #Failure
How I Re-Connected with My Kids Fri Aug 30 2019
Some days I felt as if the only time we spent actually talking to each other was in the car on the way to a game. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #Reconnecting #GetBackOnTheFloor #Parenting
Parenting Styles: My Biggest Mistake with Family Game Night Mon Jul 15 2019
I was pretty excited when my eldest was old enough to play Candyland and Chutes and Ladders. I’d been waiting for years and years to reach board game age. Unfortunately, the two-and-a-half-year age gap between my kids meant that my youngest wasn’t ready—not by a long shot. Neither was he interested in leaving us alone to play a board game without his “help.” If you have a toddler, you know just how helpful they can be. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #GameNightFail #Cheating #LettingKidsWin #Parenting
Why You Should Learn Something New With Your Kid Wed Aug 21 2019
Luckily for my kid, I am naturally terrible at anything athletic, so watching me struggle was pretty much guaranteed. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #learningwithyourkids #Fencing
Side Stepping the Dinner Time Struggle: Dealing with a Stubborn Eater Fri Oct 18 2019
After years of cooking three separate meals at dinnertime, I had the unreasonable idea that I should just cook one meal and that we could all eat like normal families. view at modernparentsmessykids
#ModernParentsMessyKids #SidesteppingtheDinnerStruggle #PickyEaters #Casserole
Exclusive Excerpt on Modern Parents Messy Kids: Negotiating with Spiders Tue Apr 16 2019
Read an excerpt of MAMA, MAMA, ONLY MAMA before it comes out! view at modernparentsmessykids
#MamaMamaOnlyMama #ModernParentsMessyKids #Spiders