Search: "#Fiction"

Review of Lost Girls by Ellen Birkett Morris for Mom Egg Review Fri Nov 12 2021
The seventeen short stories, each between 3-16 pages long, are brief enough to read on a lunch break or during nap time, yet long enough to be rife with tension and often contain a haunting, mournful quality. view at momeggreview
#LostGirls #MomEggReview #Fiction #ShortStories
Book Review: The Distance From Four Points by Margo Orlando Littell Tue Jul 07 2020
I think as mothers, we all have skeletons in our closets we’d prefer not to come to light, so watching the protagonist come to terms with her past helped me to reframe my own thinking about self-forgiveness. view at momeggreview
#MomeEggReview #DistanceFromFourPoints #Littell #Fiction